Tennessee Cockroach

Tennessee Cockroach is a common species of cockroach found in Tennessee. This article explores the characteristics, behaviors, and control methods of these cockroaches.

Tennessee Cockroach, a species commonly found in Tennessee, displays unique characteristics and behaviors. These resilient pests are known for their ability to survive in various environments, making them difficult to eradicate. With a flat, oval-shaped body and long antennae, Tennessee Cockroaches have a reddish-brown coloration.

They are primarily nocturnal and are attracted to warm, dark places where they can find food and water. Infestations can be controlled through thorough cleaning, sealing cracks, and using insecticides specifically formulated for cockroach elimination. Adopting preventive measures such as proper sanitation and regular maintenance can help keep Tennessee Cockroaches at bay. Understanding their habits and implementing effective pest control strategies is crucial to managing infestations effectively.

Understanding The Tennessee Cockroach

The Tennessee Cockroach is a common household pest that can be found in homes across the state. Understanding its behavior and characteristics can help in effectively managing and controlling infestations. Explore this article to gain insights into the habits and prevention techniques related to the Tennessee Cockroach.

The Tennessee cockroach, scientifically known as Eurycotis floridana, is a common pest found in parts of the southeastern United States, particularly in Tennessee. This blog post aims to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of this fascinating creature. Read on to learn about its physical characteristics and appearance, habitat and distribution, as well as its life cycle and reproduction.

Physical Characteristics And Appearance

  • The Tennessee cockroach is a medium-sized insect, measuring approximately 1 to 1.5 inches in length.
  • It possesses a glossy reddish-brown exoskeleton, which provides protection and resilience against external forces.
  • The distinctive feature of this cockroach is its large, fully developed wings, which enable it to fly when necessary.
  • Its long, slender antennae serve as sensory organs, aiding in navigation and detecting potential threats in its environment.
  • The male Tennessee cockroaches generally have larger wings and more elongated bodies compared to their female counterparts.

Habitat And Distribution

  • The Tennessee cockroach prefers warm and humid environments, making it commonly found in urban areas, residential homes, and commercial buildings.
  • It seeks refuge in damp locations such as basements, bathrooms, and kitchens, where it can find an ample food source and moisture.
  • This species is primarily prevalent in the southeastern region of the United States, particularly in Tennessee, as its name suggests.
  • It can also be found in neighboring states such as Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and parts of Florida.

Life Cycle And Reproduction

  • The Tennessee cockroach undergoes a three-stage life cycle: Egg, nymph, and adult.
  • The female roach lays dark brown egg capsules known as oothecae, containing multiple eggs.
  • These capsules are typically affixed to a suitable surface near food sources or in crevices to ensure the survival of the offspring.
  • Once the eggs hatch, the nymphs emerge and resemble miniature versions of the adults, except for their lack of wings.
  • Over a series of molts, the nymphs grow larger and develop their wings, eventually reaching adulthood.
  • The length of the life cycle is dependent on several factors, including environmental conditions and availability of food.

Understanding the physical characteristics, habitat and distribution, as well as the life cycle and reproduction of the Tennessee cockroach is crucial for effective pest control measures. By educating ourselves about this species, we can implement preventive strategies to minimize infestation and maintain a comfortable living environment.

Signs Of Tennessee Cockroach Infestation

Tennessee cockroach infestations can be identified by signs such as strong, musty odors, droppings, and visible nests. It is crucial to address these issues promptly to prevent further contamination and potential health risks.


Cockroaches are sneaky pests that can invade your space without you even knowing it. However, there are certain signs that can help you identify if you have a Tennessee cockroach infestation. By keeping an eye out for these indicators, you can take action promptly to address the problem.

Here are some signs to look out for:

  • Droppings: Cockroach droppings are small, dark, and cylindrical in shape. If you notice these droppings around your home, especially in areas like kitchen cabinets, behind appliances, or near cracks and crevices, it is likely an infestation.
  • Musty Odor: Cockroaches emit a distinctive musty odor that can be quite unpleasant. If you detect an unusual smell that resembles a combination of grease and dirt, it may be a sign of cockroach infestation.
  • Egg Casings: Female cockroaches produce egg casings or oothecae, which contain multiple eggs. These casings are brownish in color and can be found in areas such as cupboards, behind furniture, or in dark corners.
  • Visible Cockroaches: Spotting live cockroaches, especially during the daytime, is a clear sign of infestation. Tennessee cockroaches are flat and reddish-brown in color, with wings that cover their bodies.

Common Areas Where They Are Found

Cockroaches are resilient creatures that can adapt to various environments, making them challenging to get rid of. Knowing the common areas where Tennessee cockroaches thrive can help you target your efforts in eliminating them effectively. Here are the places you should pay attention to:

  • Kitchen: Cockroaches are attracted to food sources, particularly in the kitchen. Look for them in and around kitchen cabinets, behind appliances like refrigerators and stoves, and under the sink.
  • Bathrooms: Cockroaches require water to survive, making bathrooms another common area of infestation. Check for them in dark and moist areas such as under sinks, near pipes, and behind toilets.
  • Basements and Crawl Spaces: Dark and damp environments provide ideal conditions for cockroaches. Inspect basements, crawl spaces, and any other areas that are prone to excess moisture.
  • Cracks and Crevices: Cockroaches are proficient at hiding in small cracks and crevices, as they offer shelter and security. Make sure to thoroughly inspect walls, baseboards, and any gaps or holes in your home.

Health Risks And Concerns Associated With Infestation

A Tennessee cockroach infestation poses potential health risks and concerns for you and your family. These pests can negatively impact your well-being in various ways. Here are the health risks associated with cockroach infestation:

  • Allergies and Asthma: Cockroach droppings, shed skin, and saliva contain allergens that can trigger allergic reactions and worsen existing asthma symptoms. People with allergies may experience sneezing, coughing, itchy skin, and watery eyes.
  • Diseases: Cockroaches are known carriers of bacteria, viruses, and parasites. They can contaminate food and surfaces with pathogens that cause diseases such as salmonellosis, dysentery, and gastroenteritis.
  • Respiratory Issues: Cockroach infestations can also contribute to respiratory problems, especially in individuals with pre-existing conditions like chronic bronchitis or emphysema. The presence of cockroach allergens can worsen these respiratory issues.
  • Childhood Development: Children living in cockroach-infested environments may experience long-term impacts on their cognitive and physical development. Exposure to cockroach allergens during early childhood has been linked to an increased risk of asthma.

It is crucial to take swift action when you suspect a Tennessee cockroach infestation to ensure the health and safety of your household.

Prevention And Control Of Tennessee Cockroach Infestation

Prevent and control Tennessee cockroach infestation by implementing effective pest management techniques. Keep your home clean and clutter-free, seal any cracks or entry points, and use insecticides or baits as necessary to eliminate these unwanted pests.

Cockroaches are resilient pests that can quickly multiply and infest homes and businesses, causing health hazards and damage to property. Preventing and controlling a Tennessee cockroach infestation requires a proactive approach. By implementing sanitation practices, blocking access points, and using effective treatment methods, you can significantly reduce the risk of a cockroach problem.

Implementing Sanitation Practices:

  • Keep your surroundings clean: Regularly clean and vacuum your property, paying attention to areas where crumbs and food debris can accumulate, such as kitchens and dining areas.
  • Store food properly: Seal all food items in airtight containers to deny access to cockroaches.
  • Dispose of garbage promptly: Ensure that garbage cans have tightly sealed lids and dispose of trash regularly.
  • Minimize moisture: Fix any leaks or plumbing issues that can create damp environments, as cockroaches are attracted to moisture.
  • Declutter your space: Remove unnecessary clutter that can provide hiding places for cockroaches.

Blocking Access Points:

  • Seal cracks and crevices: Inspect your property for any gaps or cracks in walls, floors, and windows. Use caulk or sealant to seal these openings.
  • Install door sweeps: Fit door sweeps to the bottom of exterior doors to prevent cockroaches from entering.
  • Repair damaged screens: Check window screens for tears or holes and repair or replace them as needed.
  • Seal gaps around pipes: Use expanding foam or weather stripping to seal gaps around pipes and utility lines.

Effective Treatment Methods:

  • Bait stations: Place cockroach baits in strategic locations, such as under sinks or behind appliances, to attract and eliminate roaches.
  • Pesticide sprays: Use targeted insecticide sprays in areas where cockroaches are frequently seen or suspected.
  • Dust formulations: Apply insecticidal dusts, specifically labeled for cockroach control, in wall voids and other hidden areas.
  • Professional extermination: If the infestation persists or is extensive, consider hiring a professional pest control service for thorough eradication.

By implementing proper sanitation practices, blocking access points, and using effective treatment methods, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of a Tennessee cockroach infestation. Regular maintenance and vigilance are key to ensuring a cockroach-free environment. Stay proactive and address any signs of infestation promptly for a pest-free home or business.

Diy Cockroach Control Methods

Are you struggling with a cockroach infestation in Tennessee? Discover effective DIY cockroach control methods to eliminate these pests from your home.

Natural Remedies And Deterrents

Cockroaches are a common nuisance that can infest homes, causing discomfort and potential health risks. If you’re dealing with a Tennessee cockroach problem, there are several DIY methods you can try to control the situation. Here are some natural remedies and deterrents that can help you get rid of these pesky creatures:

  • Peppermint oil: Cockroaches dislike the strong scent of peppermint oil. Mix a few drops of this essential oil with water and spray it around infested areas.
  • Catnip: Catnip contains a natural compound called nepetalactone, which repels cockroaches. Place small sachets of dried catnip in areas where cockroaches are likely to be found.
  • Cucumber slices: Cockroaches have an aversion to the smell of cucumbers. Place cucumber slices in areas where cockroaches are frequently seen to deter them.
  • Garlic and onion: The pungent smell of garlic and onion can repel cockroaches. Use these ingredients in your cooking or keep slices of them in infested areas.
  • Bay leaves: Cockroaches dislike the smell of bay leaves. Place fresh or dried bay leaves in cabinets, drawers, and other cockroach-prone areas.

Homemade Traps And Baits

Another effective way to control Tennessee cockroaches is by using homemade traps and baits. These methods are inexpensive and easy to make. Here are some options you can try:

  • Sticky traps: Create sticky traps by applying a thin layer of petroleum jelly or sticky adhesive on surfaces such as cardboard or plastic. Place these traps near cockroach entry points to catch them.
  • Borax and sugar bait: Mix equal parts of borax and sugar to create a bait that will attract cockroaches. Sprinkle small amounts of this mixture in areas where cockroaches are commonly found.
  • Baking soda and powdered sugar bait: Combine equal parts of baking soda and powdered sugar to create a cockroach bait. The sugar will attract them, while the baking soda will kill them when ingested.
  • Coffee trap: Fill a jar with coffee grounds and add a little water to create a moist environment. Cockroaches will be attracted to the smell and drown in the liquid.
  • Beer trap: Place a shallow dish filled with beer in areas where cockroaches are active. They will be lured by the scent and drown in the liquid.

Safe Handling And Disposal Of Infested Items

When dealing with a cockroach infestation, it’s important to handle and dispose of infested items properly to prevent the spread of these pests. Here are some tips to follow:

  • Wear gloves: Always wear gloves when handling infested items to protect yourself from potential germs and pathogens.
  • Seal infested items: If possible, place infested items in sealed plastic bags before disposing of them. This will prevent cockroaches from escaping and spreading to other areas.
  • Double-bagging: For extra precaution, double-bag infested items before disposing of them to ensure containment.
  • Outdoor disposal: Dispose of infested items in outdoor trash bins, preferably in sealed garbage bags, to prevent re-infestation.
  • Cleaning and disinfecting: Clean and disinfect the area where infested items were located to remove any lingering cockroach odor and prevent future infestations.

Remember, DIY cockroach control methods may be effective for small infestations, but if you have a severe or persistent problem, it’s advisable to seek professional pest control assistance.

Professional Cockroach Control Services

Our professional cockroach control services in Tennessee effectively eliminate cockroach infestations. Our experienced team ensures a pest-free environment, protecting your home or business. Trust us for reliable and efficient cockroach control.

Cockroaches can be a nuisance to deal with in any home or business. Not only do they pose health risks, but their presence can also be a source of embarrassment. If you’re facing a cockroach infestation in Tennessee, it’s essential to seek professional cockroach control services.

Hiring experts will not only help you get rid of these pests efficiently but also ensure that your living or working space remains cockroach-free in the long run.

Benefits Of Hiring A Professional:

  • Expertise: Professional cockroach control services have years of experience in dealing with various types of infestations. Their knowledge and expertise enable them to identify the type of cockroach species infesting your property and implement tailored control strategies accordingly.
  • Efficiency: Professionals are equipped with the best tools and techniques to tackle cockroach infestations efficiently. They know the most effective products and methods to eliminate cockroaches quickly and prevent further infestations.
  • Safety: Cockroach control often involves the use of chemical pesticides, which can be hazardous if not handled properly. Professional exterminators are trained in the safe and effective use of these pesticides, ensuring the well-being of you, your family, and any pets.
  • Long-term solutions: DIY cockroach control methods may provide short-term relief, but they often fail to address the root cause of the infestation. Professionals take a comprehensive approach, targeting both the visible infestation and the underlying factors that attract cockroaches. This helps in preventing future infestations and ensures long-term results.

Types Of Services Offered:

  • Inspection: Professional exterminators will conduct a thorough inspection of your premises to identify the extent and location of the cockroach infestation. This helps in determining the most suitable treatment plan.
  • Treatment: Once the infestation is assessed, experts will implement appropriate cockroach control methods. This may include pesticide application, baiting, trapping, or even using non-chemical methods such as heat or cold treatments.
  • Prevention: Along with eliminating the existing cockroach population, professionals will also provide recommendations and advice on how to prevent future infestations. This may involve sealing cracks and crevices, removing food and water sources, and implementing proper sanitation practices.

Cost Considerations:

  • Initial assessment: Professional cockroach control services often offer a free initial assessment to determine the extent of the infestation and provide a cost estimate for the required treatments.
  • Treatment plans: The cost of cockroach control services may vary depending on factors such as the severity of the infestation, the size of the affected area, and the type of treatments required. It’s best to consult with multiple providers and compare their quotes to ensure you’re getting the best value for your money.
  • Long-term savings: While hiring professional services may seem costlier upfront compared to DIY methods, it can potentially save you money in the long run. Effective cockroach control prevents further damage to your property and reduces the risk of any potential health issues, ultimately saving you from expensive repairs and medical bills.

By opting for professional cockroach control services, you can enjoy the peace of mind of having a pest-free environment. Their expertise, efficiency, and long-term solutions make them a worthwhile investment when dealing with a cockroach infestation in Tennessee. So, don’t hesitate to reach out to a reliable professional today and bid farewell to those unwanted pests.

Integrated Pest Management (Ipm) Approach

The Tennessee Cockroach benefits from an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach, combining multiple techniques to manage its population. This sustainable and effective approach minimizes the use of pesticides while ensuring long-term control.

Cockroach infestations can be a major nuisance for homeowners in Tennessee. These resilient pests can quickly multiply, causing not only frustration but also potential health risks. To effectively tackle cockroach control, an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach is essential. This approach combines various strategies to not only eliminate existing infestations but also prevent future ones.

By integrating different methods, homeowners can achieve long-lasting results in a safe and environmentally friendly way.

Principles Of Ipm:

  • Inspection: Thoroughly assess the extent of the cockroach infestation and identify areas of high activity.
  • Identification: Determine the cockroach species present to tailor the treatment plan accordingly.
  • Monitoring: Continuously monitor the infested areas to track progress and make necessary adjustments.
  • Action Threshold: Set a predefined threshold level to decide when action must be taken to control the infestation.
  • Treatment Selection: Choose the most suitable treatment method based on the identified cockroach species and infestation severity.
  • Evaluation: Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the chosen treatments and adjust as needed.

Applying Ipm Strategies For Cockroach Control:

Implementing IPM strategies involves a combination of techniques aimed at eradicating cockroaches and preventing their return. Here are some effective methods:

  • Sanitation: Maintain a clean environment by eliminating food and water sources that attract cockroaches.
  • Exclusion: Seal cracks and crevices to prevent cockroach entry points into the home.
  • Mechanical Control: Use cockroach traps or sticky tapes to catch and monitor their presence.
  • Chemical Control: Apply low-toxicity insecticides targeted specifically at cockroaches in infested areas.
  • Biological Control: Introduce natural predators of cockroaches, such as certain species of wasps, to reduce their population.

Long-Term Prevention Techniques:

To ensure long-term success in keeping cockroaches at bay, prevention is key. Here are some effective techniques:

  • Regular Cleaning: Maintain cleanliness by regularly vacuuming, sweeping, and wiping down surfaces.
  • Proper Food Storage: Store food in sealed containers, minimizing access for cockroaches.
  • Eliminate Moisture: Fix plumbing leaks and ensure proper ventilation to reduce dampness, as cockroaches are attracted to moisture.
  • Regular Inspections: Conduct routine inspections of potential entry points and high-risk areas for early detection and intervention.
  • Education and Awareness: Stay informed about cockroach habits and prevention methods to better protect your home.

By adopting an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach and implementing these strategies, homeowners in Tennessee can effectively combat cockroach infestations while ensuring long-term prevention. Taking a proactive approach to cockroach control will not only create a healthier living environment but also provide peace of mind.

Tennessee Cockroach Vs Other Cockroach Species

The Tennessee Cockroach stands out among other cockroach species with its unique characteristics and behavior, making it a notable subject of study and analysis. Its distinct attributes and habits make it worth exploring for a better understanding of these resilient insects.

Key Differences In Appearance And Behavior

  • Tennessee Cockroach:
  • Appearance:
  • The Tennessee Cockroach is typically reddish-brown in color and has a flat, oval-shaped body.
  • It measures about 1-1.5 inches in length and has long antennae.
  • Both males and females have wings, but they are unable to fly.
  • Behavior:
  • Tennessee Cockroaches are primarily nocturnal and prefer warm, humid environments.
  • They are omnivorous, feeding on a variety of organic matter, including decaying plants and food scraps.
  • These cockroaches are known to seek shelter in cracks, crevices, and dark areas of buildings, making them difficult to spot.
  • Other Cockroach Species:
  • Appearance:
  • Different cockroach species can vary significantly in appearance.
  • Colors range from light brown to dark brown, black, or even green.
  • Sizes can also differ, with some species being smaller (around half an inch) and others larger (up to 2 inches).
  • Many cockroach species have long antennae and flat bodies.
  • Behavior:
  • Cockroach behavior varies according to species and environmental factors.
  • While most cockroaches are nocturnal, some species are active during the day.
  • They are opportunistic eaters, scavenging for food wherever they can find it.
  • Cockroaches are known to hide in narrow spaces, cracks, and warm areas.

Identifying Characteristics Of Related Species

  • Tennessee Cockroach:
  • Distinctive Characteristics:
  • Pronounced red-brown coloration
  • Oval-shaped body
  • Long antennae
  • Inability to fly despite having wings
  • Other Cockroach Species:
  • Notable Identifying Characteristics:
  • Varying colors (ranging from light to dark shades)
  • Differing sizes (ranging from half an inch to 2 inches)
  • Long antennae
  • Flat bodies

Comparing Control Methods

  • Tennessee Cockroach Control Methods:
  • Sanitation:
  • Keep the area clean and free from organic debris.
  • Properly dispose of garbage and food waste.
  • Exclusion:
  • Seal cracks and gaps in walls, floors, and windows to prevent entry.
  • Repair any openings or damage in the building structure.
  • Chemical Control:
  • Use appropriate insecticides, following the label instructions carefully.
  • Focus on treating areas where cockroach activity is high.
  • Other Cockroach Species Control Methods:
  • Sanitation:
  • Maintain cleanliness by eliminating food and water sources.
  • Regularly clean kitchen appliances and storage areas.
  • Exclusion:
  • Seal cracks, crevices, and entry points to prevent roaches from entering.
  • Install door sweeps and screens on windows.
  • Chemical Control:
  • Apply targeted insecticides to infested areas.
  • Utilize baits and insecticidal dusts for optimal control.

Remember, controlling cockroaches effectively requires a combination of methods and an integrated pest management approach. Regular monitoring and proper sanitation practices play a crucial role in minimizing infestations.

Frequently Asked Questions (Faqs) About Tennessee Cockroach

Learn everything you need to know about Tennessee Cockroaches through our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). Discover insights and solutions without the hassle of complicated jargon. Explore the world of Tennessee Cockroaches with ease.

What Attracts Tennessee Cockroaches?

Tennessee cockroaches are attracted to various factors that provide them with food, water, and shelter. Understanding what attracts these pests can help you prevent infestations in your home. Here are some key factors that can attract Tennessee cockroaches:

  • Food sources: Cockroaches are omnivorous and can feed on a wide range of organic materials. They are particularly attracted to leftover food, crumbs, and spills. Ensure that your kitchen and dining area are free from food debris and clean up spills promptly.
  • Moisture: Cockroaches require water to survive and are attracted to areas with high humidity or moisture. Fix any leaks or plumbing issues in your home and ensure proper ventilation to reduce excess moisture.
  • Clutter and hiding places: Cockroaches thrive in cluttered environments where they can find hiding places. Remove excess clutter, especially in areas such as basements, attics, and storage spaces.
  • Warmth and darkness: Cockroaches prefer warm environments and are drawn to dark spaces. Address any cracks, crevices, or openings in your home, particularly near pipes or utility lines, to prevent their entry.

Are They Dangerous To Humans?

Cockroaches can pose potential health risks to humans. While Tennessee cockroaches are not directly harmful, they can carry disease-causing bacteria and allergens. Here are some dangers associated with cockroach infestations:

  • Food contamination: Cockroaches can contaminate food and surfaces by leaving their droppings, shed skin, and regurgitated saliva. This can lead to gastrointestinal issues and the spread of diseases.
  • Allergies and asthma: The presence of cockroach allergens, such as their saliva, droppings, and body parts, can trigger allergies and worsen asthma symptoms, especially in children and individuals with respiratory conditions.
  • Bacterial transmission: Cockroaches can harbor and spread bacteria, including Salmonella and E. Coli, through contact with food and surfaces. This can result in food poisoning and other infections.

It is important to take cockroach infestations seriously and address them promptly to mitigate these health risks.

How Can I Prevent A Cockroach Infestation?

Preventing a cockroach infestation requires a proactive approach and regular maintenance. By implementing the following preventive measures, you can minimize the chances of cockroaches invading your home:

  • Maintain cleanliness: Keep your living spaces clean and free from food crumbs, spills, and leftover food. Regularly sweep, mop, and vacuum floors, especially in the kitchen and dining area.
  • Store food properly: Store food in airtight containers to prevent access for cockroaches. This includes both human and pet food.
  • Seal entry points: Inspect your home for any gaps, cracks, or openings that may serve as entry points for cockroaches. Seal them using caulking or appropriate materials.
  • Eliminate moisture: Fix any leaks or plumbing issues to reduce excess moisture. Ensure proper ventilation in damp areas, such as bathrooms and basements.
  • Reduce clutter: Declutter your living spaces, particularly storage areas, as cockroaches thrive in cluttered environments.
  • Regular maintenance: Regularly inspect and maintain your home’s plumbing, drainage, and ventilation systems to prevent cockroach-friendly conditions.

By following these preventive measures, you can greatly reduce the likelihood of a cockroach infestation and maintain a hygienic living environment.

Frequently Asked Questions On Tennessee Cockroach

Are Cockroaches Common In Tennessee?

Yes, cockroaches are common in Tennessee. They can be found in homes and buildings.

What Do Tennessee Roaches Look Like?

Tennessee roaches have a unique appearance with a brown or black color and a segmented body.

How Do I Get Rid Of Roaches In Tennessee?

To get rid of roaches in Tennessee, follow these steps: 1. Keep your home clean and clutter-free. 2. Use roach baits or traps to kill and capture them. 3. Seal off entry points by fixing cracks and gaps. 4. Consider professional pest control services for severe infestations.

What To Do If You See A Live Cockroach In Your House?

If you see a live cockroach in your house, take immediate action to eliminate it.


Dealing with a Tennessee cockroach infestation is a pressing concern that requires immediate attention. These pesky pests can cause a range of problems, from contaminating food and surfaces to spreading diseases. Identifying their hiding places, implementing effective prevention strategies, and seeking professional help are crucial steps towards eliminating these resilient insects.

Regular cleaning, minimizing food and water sources, and sealing entry points can significantly reduce the chances of a cockroach invasion. In addition, using natural remedies and environmentally-friendly pesticides can aid in eradicating these pests without causing harm to humans or pets.

Remember, taking prompt action and maintaining a clean and hygienic environment are essential to prevent and manage a Tennessee cockroach infestation. So, be vigilant, follow these recommendations, and enjoy a roach-free home.

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