How to Throw a Disc Golf Driver Straight

How to Throw a Disc Golf Driver Straight

Disc golf is a wonderful sport and absolutely pleasing for the player and the audience. This game is quite popular and gaining popularity more and more. Unfortunately, many players don’t feel they are getting amusement from this game. It is simply because of their unpleasant performance. This mostly happens to the new players.

Disc golfing is all about throwing disc straight and covering maximum distance. Many new players don’t know how to throw a disc golf driver straight in the correct way. As a result, they just struggle but don’t find a good outcome. If you are among them or simply wondering how to throw a golf driver straight, then this article is here to guide you!


How Important Straight-Throwing for A Disc Golf

Throwing the disk straight at a maximum distance is the core of disk golf. When it’s about disk golf, you can’t skip straight-throwing. The more you able to throw the driver straight, the more you have chances of having a good position in the game. Every pro player of this game uses various methods and techniques only to throw the disk driver straight.

How to Throw a Disc Golf Driver Straight Right Way

Honestly, throwing a disc golf driver straight is quite a tough job and needs lots of practice to master these throwing-methods. But all of your practices and hard works will be useless if you don’t follow any proper ways of throwing the disk driver straight. Here is the simplest way to do that with easy-to-understand descriptions.

Step 1

Stand on the throwing-point first. After that, the foremost thing you have to do is to calm down your mind and relax your body muscles. Relaxing your muscles will help to throw the disk very straight and give a smooth lift.

On the other hand, tightening muscles will make the situation more complex for you and you will end up throwing the disk driver in a curved path with less power. Too much excitement during playing also does the same.

Step 2

Now hold the disk driver in with a good grip. Wrap the disk with all of your fingers to assure a controlled driving of the disk while throwing it. Now make a 90-degree angle with the target zone and lean forward a little. This will make a little space in front of your belly which allows the disk driver to have a bigger space for a straight launching.

Step 3

Now think of an imaginary straight line before you that goes straight from your front to the target area. Follow that line to throw the disk driver. The disk driver should remain on that straight path no matter what happens.

You have to use your elbow, collar muscles, and wrist combining to keep the disk in that straight line. It is much important since if you don’t launch the disk in a straight line, then the probability is that it will curve on any side and miss the target area.

Step 4

While throwing, use your wrist in the proper way for maximizing the disk speed. Follow the imaginary straight line and slowly open your wrist angle and widen the angle fully just before leaving the disk.

Step 5

Make sure that the leaving time of the disk is proper and you have left the driver while it was still on the straight line. Practice this way and you will have much-straight shots on your every single attempt.

Keep These in Mind

While throwing a disk, always keep these things in your mind.

Proper Weight Shifting

Proper balance and body-weight shifting are a vital part of any throwing or hitting sport. While throwing the disk, you must properly shift your weight from your behind leg to the frontal leg. If you can shift weight properly, then the disk will gain much more power in it and it will easily cover much more distance.

Focus On the Imaginary Line

Always keep your focus on the imaginary straight line in front of you no matter what happens. It is truly a big help to keep your moves one a straight line and lift the disk straightly. In this case, the disk won’t have any other option but to fly straight.

Never Bend Your Body Too Much at The Initial Stage

At the very early stage, many newcomers think that bending the body too much in the opposite direction will give him extra speed. This is definitely not the case. Instead, starting from a curved line most likely end up curving the disk from a straight path. It also reduces your control over the throwing.

Select The Most Suitable Disk

The best way to do that is by practicing with different types and brand disks. This will help you finding the best and comfortable disk driver for you. Also, you may feel different disks are comfortable for different distances. So, try every disk for different distances too.

Remember, choosing an uncomfortable disk driver is a huge mistake and will definitely impact your performance.

Final Verdict

Disk golfing is way more enjoyable with proper throwing knowledge. Knowing the right process helps you learn quickly and you don’t have to struggle a lot to master that hit. In this way, you can enjoy this sport lot more and make a good career with it.

If you are confused about straight throwing, just follow those mentioned steps and tips and practice according to that. You will learn the method in no time!

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