How to Stop Topping the Golf Ball

How to Stop Topping the Golf Ball

In the path of becoming a top-level golfer, you have to face many errors and mistakes. These are unavoidable parts of any sports and no player in the whole world is mistake-free. We actually learn from mistakes. In golfing, topping the golf ball is a very common mistake made by mostly new players. Even expert players sometimes top the ball.

Several reasons can cause ball-topping and throw you in an embracing situation. Fortunately, topping can be removed very easily and by keeping some things in mind while playing, you will be able to avoid ball toppings. As a golfer, you should have correct knowledge of why topping happens and how to stop topping the golf ball.

What Is Topping

Generally, topping a golf ball refers to hitting the ball much upper on the golf ball while totally avoiding the ground area. This type of shots don’t give a take-off to the ball and it stays on the ground and just roll on the ground for some distance. In golf, these are known as thin shots. An expert will never want to face a ball-topping since it makes such an awkward moment and sometimes it can hamper the reputation of a pro-player among the audience and other players. It is a mistake that every good or bad player wants to avoid and overcome.

Common Reasons for Topping a Golf Ball

If you ask yourself ‘why am I topping the golf ball?’, there will be several answers. Though we can clearly see some common mistakes and postures problems that results topping the golf ball. Some most common reasons for this problem are-

Bad Standing Posture


Thinking about topping a ball, the first thing that can come to mind is the bad posture. Your stance is the core-key for giving some epic shots. It is the primary requirement of proper contact between the golf ball and the club. Without proper posture, you can easily do any kind of golfing-mistake including ball topping.

Standing at an Unnecessary Distance


The distance between you and the ball is a vital factor for providing solid contact between the ball and the club. Standing unnecessarily too far during golfing is helpful to hit the ball at the up and topping it. Especially when your club only reaches the ball diagonally.

Not Keeping Arms Flexible

It happens mostly with the newcomers. They often try to focus on the target and sometimes forget to keep their hands flexible while swinging. It can be a major reason for topping the ball.

Holding The Club in A Wrong Way

Many newcomers don’t check whether the squareface of the club touching the ball while swinging or not. Some don’t even know how to grip a golf club properly and lost control over the shot. As a result, things like topping happens often.

Failed to Shift Weight Properly


Again, this happens mostly with the casual players and newcomers. They often struggle to shift their body-weight properly and lost balance. It can be the reason for topping golf balls.

How to Stop Topping the Golf Ball: Easy Step

By following these things, you will have a bigger chance of avoiding any ball-topping.

Keep The Ball at The Most Suitable Place


To avoid topping, the foremost thing you have to do is to find the point where your club is most-near to the ground. You can easily find that point by swinging the club one or two times in the air. It will allow you to hit at the center of the ball and have less chance of topping the ball.

Find The Perfect Standing Distance


As I mentioned, the distance between you and the ball can be a big factor for ball topping. That’s why you must keep a keen focus on which club is in your hand and what cloud be the rightmost distance for hitting a controlled and accurate shot. Practice with all your irons, drivers, and other clubs for memorizing the perfect standing-distance for each club. You should not stand too much far from the ball where the club is contacting the ball barely.

Hold The Club Properly Every Time

Many of the new golfers don’t care much about gripping the club properly. It is the only contact point between you and the club and the power from your body goes to the clubhead through this contact. Many golfers tend to hold the glub with fingers instead of hand-palm. It is certainly not a good habit and you should have a good grip with the club-grip by your palm.

Keep All Your Muscles Much Flexible

Flexibility is the key to perform well in golf. You must keep hand muscles, shoulder muscles, knee muscles, hip, etc. much flexible while swinging for a hit. This is important for a controlled shot and avoiding various mistakes including ball-topping.

Don’t Get Nervous

Nervousness can ruin any good game. It is the thing that a player should never have. You have to shot with confidence.

This is how to stop topping the golf ball with irons, and other clubs. You must be aware of these facts while playing golf to avoid topping the ball.

How to Stop Topping the Golf Ball with Drivers

Drives have longer shafts than other clubs and have heavier clubface. So it is much rare to topping the ball with them. But if you ever face ball-topping with a driver, then the mentioned things should help you. You can also tee up a little to avoid this embracing mistake.

How to Stop Topping the Ball with Fairway Woods

Fairway woods are a different type of club. Also, topping with a Fairway woods is pretty uncommon since it has a longer shaft and havier clubface. Moreover, it doesn’t need bigger swings for shooting. So it has less chance of topping the ball. However, if you ever face this problem with a Fairway Wood then those mentioned solutions may help you. Also, avoid doing reverse pivot while hitting. Hopefully, you will get rid of ball-toppings.


As a golfer, you must learn how to stop topping golf balls, especially if you are a beginner-level player. For an expert and experienced player, topping the golf ball will be a very embracing and awkward moment. It will be more shameful if it happens in front of a large audience. Avoiding ball-topping is not very hard and focusing on some minor things can help a lot. Make a deep connection with your clubs and improve your postures, you will sure to overcome ball-toppings.

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