How to Spin a Golf Ball

How to Spin a Golf Ball With Video & Picture

Every time when we step on a golf course and watch a golf ball landing about a few feet away from the flag, and suddenly turn back to the cup, it is amazing. But how to spin a golf ball is an optimum asking question by the beginners. Actually, we all are creating spin, when we hit a shot whatever the spin rate is. Many golfers make a golf ball spin using wedges or irons. The high rpm of spinning helps the golf ball to travel faster and higher.

Professional makes the spin of a golf ball so easy. It is because of their years of practice and work on improving their backspin techniques. A fresher or anyone who has a problem spinning the golf need not be frustrated. Because in this article, I am going to discuss with you how to make a golf ball spin from the very beginning to the end. So let’s start our journey.

What is a Backspin of a golf ball?

When we talk about the backspin it does not mean that the golf ball goes backward or something like that. It means the backward rotation of a golf ball when we hit the ball into the air towards a distance to achieve. The backspin in the golf shot is important because of lifting the ball with super control. The dimples of the golf ball help to lift in the air but won’t create that much lifting without a proper backspin that needed for that specific shot.

Okay, allow me to explain the things. When we able to put a spin on a golf ball it flies high in the air. On the other hand, when the time comes to land it is grounded with the control that a golfer always wants.

How to Spin a Golf Ball Backward?

How to put a spin on a golf ball or how to put backspin on a golf ball is basically the same thing. But it takes years to make it perfect. Before spinning a golf ball, it needs to set up properly.

  • Choosing your golf club should be the first priority when you want to shoot a shot with high rpm. A lob wedge may be a better choice for the beginner. Because the club with a higher loft makes the backspin easier. But the loft need not be the highest range, between the high and low is the best. The club should be around 7-degree or less. It is your club’s loft and angle of the attack which will increase clubhead speed and backspin to travel a greater distance.
  • Remove the debris or moisture or grass from the clubface. This is a prior inspection before playing a spin shot, clean your clubface and make it dry. Because a filthy clubface creates an uneven surface which impacts badly putting a spin on the ball. Although a clean clubface will definitely increase your quality of stroke. Make sure your grooves are sharp and clean.
  • If you simply say- the golf ball comes in two ways- a soft one or a hard one. A soft golf ball typically allows more backspin which ensures control over the ball. And, hard or high compression golf ball is used to hit a long straight shot with less spin. To create backspin on the ball, the compression rating of the golf ball with 90 is a better option.
  • Now it’s time to inspect the golf course grass. In other words, the last checking for proper turf condition. The grass should be at a height that won’t come between your clubface and ball when performing a shot for backspin. From fairway to the green, shorter grass is perfect to perform a high rpm shot. Sometimes the golf course condition is beyond our control and expectation. But try to make it adjust for better performance.

How to Make a Golf Ball Spin?

After setting up all the things, it is time to make the ball spin. So how should you spin a golf ball, the main task is just about to begin.

  • Take the proper stance. Place the golf ball at the middle of your stance and then open your stance. That means the golf ball should be an inch (or as per your preference) toward the back foot, rather than the middle of the stance for backspin purposes. But make sure the golf ball should be placed deep in your stance. Now the club will contact the ball at a downward angle which will increase the strike quality.
  • Now target the golf ball to hit at the middle by your clubface without decelerating while contact.
  • Hit the ball with a steeper swing. Raise your club to hit the ball harder from the upright position and make sure the ball comes into contact before striking the ground. Make the downswing as sound as possible.
  • When you are going to hit the ball- attempt to make a shallow divot in front of the target. Try not to make a deep divot, keep it simple as per your comfort for the action.
  • The attempt of divot will help you to maintain a good follow-through and ensure the quality of the backward spin on the golf ball.

At a Glance- How to Spin a Golf Ball

  • Choosing the right golf club and golf ball.
  • Make the grooves and the ball dry and clean.
  • Checking the grass.
  • Place the golf ball deeper at the stance.
  • Ensure the perfect swing for backspin purposes.
  • Hit the ball by maintaining a steeper angle.
  • Add the backspin when you are hitting into the air.
  • Check the article for further details.

Final Thoughts

All the factors we discussed above will definitely improve your frictions between your clubface and the golf ball. And remember, the backspin is useful when you shoot the ball to travel into the air for covering a long distance, not in the downwind. Even professional golfers do not always try to put a backspin on a golf ball. The best advice is, make your strike clean and sharp to the golf ball. So that you can control your golf shots via backspin.

Hurray! You are now well informed about how to spin a golf ball accurately and which conditions the backspin needs to be added. The only thing left from the master of putting the spin on the golf ball is ‘practice’- a modest exercise towards perfection. And this article makes things a little easier than the early condition as you now know how the job should be done. It is all about playing effective golf by improving your variant skills. So, Happy Golfing!

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