How to Organize Golf Bag

How to Organize Your Golf Bag Professional

If you want to find whether a golfer is a professional player or not, try to look at his golf bag! A professional golf player doesn’t only play perfectly. They also show their maturity and cleverness through every major or minor aspect of golfing. One of the major reflections outside of their performance is their golf bag organization. There will definitely be a difference between the bag-arranging of a pro golfer and an amateur player.


Your professionalism and maturity should reflect through your every work. That’s why always organize your golf bag perfectly before going golfing. If you don’t know how to organize golf bags, then keep reading. This article will guide you and show you the right-most and straightforward process of arranging a golf bag.

Why Organizing Is Necessary

As I mentioned, your golf bag arrangement shows your maturity level to other players. Not only that, by organizing your golf bag in the right way, you can carry the bag much comfortably and effortlessly. On top of that, you don’t have to look twice to find your necessary clubs or other things while playing. You will also have a lesser chance of forgetting anything at home. So, believe it or not, organizing the golf bag is a crucial part of golf.

Tasks Before Organizing Your Golf Bag

Before organizing your golf bag, you should spend some time doing these things. These are essential for organizing your golf bag. So don’t skip them.

  • Make A List of Your Necessary Accessories and Clubs

At the very first, make a list of all your necessary clubs and other things that you need. While listing, keep only the necessary elements that you need for golfing.

  • Pull Out All Things from The Bag

If you have already used your golf bag. Then pull out all the things from it. Check again for any left-things.

  • Gather Every Listed Thing in Front of Your Bag

Now find all your listed items and gather them in a place for organizing them in the bag. Make sure you don’t miss anything.

  • Make A Little Kit for Essential & Emergency Things

It is always essential to make a small pouch for your small necessary items such as sunscreen cream, first-aid bandages, and other such stuff.

  • Add Extra Accessories According to Your Weather Condition

While gathering things for your bag, you must consider the weather condition of your area and should take the necessary things with you.

How to Organize Your Golf Bags Perfectly

Step 1: Stand Your Bag

At first, put your bag in its standing position. It could give you easier access to every pocket and you can effortlessly put items in your bag.

Step 2: Put The Tallest Clubs First

Now take your drivers and such long-shaft clubs and put them in the nearest pocket of your back(at carrying position).

Step 3: Put Middle-Size Irons in an Organized Way

For keeping the middle irons in the bag, you should organize them number-wise and put them in the middle two segments of your bag, for example, 4,5,6 irons in one pocket and 7,8,9 wedges in another one. But you can organize them in any order you feel comfortable.

Step 4: Put Small Clubs

Now put the shortest golf clubs in the far pocket. It will give proper balance on your bag and you will not feel any pain in your shoulder while carrying it.

Step 5: Put Small Golfing Things

After putting all your clubs properly, it is time for putting other golfing stuffs in the bag. Small items such as golf tees can easily get lost. So put all small items in a small bag and put that bag in a zipped pocket of the golf bag.

The left items are the golf balls. Many golfers make their bags heavy by carrying lots of balls. But you won’t need that many balls for a day. Take a maximum of six golf balls with you. Also, put them in a zipped pocket of the golf bag.

Step 6: Put Your Personal-Necessary Things

Now put your personal utilities such as towels, golf gloves, water bottles in your bag. If your bag has a small hook or pocket for the water bottle, put the bottle there. For golf gloves, don’t take more than two gloves, one for use and another as a backup. Put gloves, emergency kit and towel in the pocket. If you used your towel and it remains wet or you continue using it, then hook it outside of your golf bag.

Step 7: Weather-Related Things

You should carry some stuff related to the weather such as umbrellas, raincoats, an extra t-shirt, sunscreen cream, cap, etc. Your golf bag should have a medium-size pocket for these utilities.

Step 8: Re-Check Everything

After organizing your bag, make sure that there is no item left. Besides check whether you have put everything correctly or not and closed all the zippers or not. Also, be careful about hooked items.

If all are in the correct position and zipped, you are good to go!

Final Verdict

Golfing will get handier and effortless with an organized golf bag. If you had to look for your necessary clubs or other things after every shot, it would sure to decrease your concentration on the game.

An organized bag is much comfortable to carry and decent to look at. It’s an essential job for making a good image among golfers. So, do not avoid organizing your bag perfectly.

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