How to Measure Putter Length

How to Measure Putter Length

Every golf player and golf lover knows the value of a proper putter! Going for a random putter is never a clever approach and an unwise decision. There are different putters in the market and you must get the right one. BY different putters I meant different length putters and types of putters. Finding the most effective and suitable putter is always a hard job.

Besides, there are certain things that you must keep in mind about choosing the right putter for you. It is important to use the putter that fits your size and fulfills your needs. In this article, you will be guided to the most suitable golf putter for you by showing the proper way of how to measure putter length and which one is appropriate for your height.

How to Measure Putter Length Perfectly

Measuring a putter is not a difficult job. when you target a golf ball for a perfect shot at this time you have to know the exact putter length. Procedures are very straightforward and need few efforts. For simple measuring, a scaling tape or measuring stick is needed. Then follow these steps to measure the length of your putter.

Step 1: Keep The Putter Is the Right Way

At first, take your putter and vertically hold(Standing position)it with respect to plain ground for hitting the golf ball. Confirm that the center of the putter is flat on the ground. The putter shaft should be slightly leaned toward you. It is totally ok for measuring.

Step 2: Place The Start Position of Your Measuring Equipment

Now take the first ending(where the scaling started) of the measuring tape or stick. Then put the scale’s first-end aligning with the putter’s center.

Step 3: Put The Whole Scale in The Right Way

Now keep the measuring equipment much closer to the shaft as possible. Now keep the measuring ruler or tape straight and parallel with the shaft of the putter till the upper end of the shaft.

Step 4: Read The Measurement

Finally, see the number that shows on the measuring equipment where the shaft ends. That is how to measure golf putter length properly and simply.

How to Measure Putter Length Chart

If you are successfully able to measure the length of your putter, then it’s time to know which one would be the sweetest putter for you! But how to determine putter length? Well, here is some putter length fitting charts that are helpful and will guide you towards the best putter that suits you perfectly. Now, Let’s learn about these length charts.

Standard Putter Length Chart

The standard style putters are the most common and widely used putters in golf. The length of these putters varies from 31 to 36 inches. Here is a basic chart to give you the right length of a standard putter. Keep in mind, this guideline is made by focusing on average-height people.

Standard Putter Length Chart

HeightPutter length
For a 6’3” or taller person35 inch or higher
For a 6’ to 6’2” person34.5 inch
For a 5’10” to 5’11” person34 inch
For a 5‘9” to 5‘10” person33.5 inch
For 5‘5” to 5‘8” person33 inch
For a 5‘3” to 5‘4” person32.5 inch
For a 5‘1” to 5‘2” person32 inch
For a 4‘11” to 5‘ person31.5 inch
For a 4‘10” or shorter person31 inch

Though very few peoples can find these putter sizes not appropriate for them. But it is a great point to start from!

Belly Putter Length Chart

Belly Putters usually have longer shafts than the standard ones. this longer shaft touches the midpoint of your body. It helps you have more control over your putter. Belly Putters are the best option for beginners and those who do not fully learn about controlling the wrists yet. These putters are usually measures between 38 to 47 inches. Here is the chart for choosing the best belly putter.

Belly Putter Length Chart

HeightPutter length
For a 6‘2” or taller person54 to 47 inch
For a 5‘9” to 6‘1” person41 to 44 inch
For a 5‘8” or shorter person38.5 to 40 inch

Long Putter Length Chart

Long putters have the longest shafts in the putter category and the shaft length varies between 46 and 54 inches. The top of this putter anchors on the middle of your belly and gives great stability. These putters are largely used for pendulum swings.

Long putters have a split grip system which means it has two grips on the shaft. One on the top-end of the shaft and another grip lies a few inches below it. So you can have stability from your belly-anchor and a good grip. These are much helpful for accurate shorts. However, mastering long putters might be a little difficult for some peoples. But the below chart should be fruitful for you.

Long Putter Length Chart

Golfer HeightPutter length
For a 6‘1” or taller person52 to 54 inch
For a 5‘11” to 6’ person50 to 51 inch
For a 5‘10” to 5‘11” person49 inch
For a 5‘9” to 5‘10” person48 inch
For a 5‘7” to 5‘8” person47 inch
For a 5‘6” and shorter person45 inch

Again, this chart may vary for some peoples. But should be suitable for most of the golfers.

Final Verdict

The putter is an essential part of a golf game and has a vital role. By knowing how to measure putter shaft length, you will surely be able to pick the most suitable putters from the putter chart. Right putter gives you full confidence and you have the best control over it. It is also necessary to practice with the chosen putter. Besides that, the right alignment and posture is a must for mastering the method. Without them, no putter can help you and you will not have full control over your shot.

Moreover, practicing with a wrong-sized putter can badly affect your golfing career. So, get the most suitable putter for you and practice in the right stance. You will soon be one of the best golf players!

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