How to Measure Golf Club Lengths

How to Measure Golf Club Lengths

You are playing golf, but don’t know how to measure a golf club is not a very impressive matter to show off. A properly fitted golf shaft with your club grip based on your size and swing allows you to shot hassle-free. You have been going to the course and come back with a low score due to struggle with your quality shot. The most probable reasons may behind that is your lack of swing quality or the wrong length of your golf club.

Today we will discuss how to measure golf club length properly, the facts, the measurement methods, shaft length. Moreover, at the end of the article, you will get the piece of knowledge to determine golf club length according to your need. Let’s start from the beginning.

What is Golf Club Length?

Well, you know the shaft that connects the club grip with the clubhead. I mean, the length of a shaft. In other words, the length of the golf club is not the length of the shaft but combined of the length of the club head and shaft. More specifically, the length of a golf club means the distance from the heel or toe of a golf club at the addressing position on the ground (Playing position) to the end of the golf club grip.

What is a Proper Golf Club Length?

The USGA said the golf club length should not exceed 48 inches. Although the minimum length is 18 inches including putter. But there is no standard parameter that you must follow or well-fit to you. Yes, you will find golf clubs that are known as a standard golf club. Actually, these golf clubs have maintained a standard chart (for irons, woods, driver, putter) of the average height and swing capacity of a player. But there is no guarantee they will well-fit according to your stance, height, and swing. So you can use a golf club of length between 48 inches and 18 inches based on your playing style and size.

How to Determine Golf Club Length?


When you go to a shop, you will get a standard golf club length chart, or you can see it by googling now. But there is no standard length chart for putter– keep that in mind. However, the standard chart will show you how you should adjust your club length if needed. But you need to know how to determine your golf club length before purchasing or adjusting it according to your preferences. 

●    Overall Height: This is the first thing to determine or assumption of the club length you would need. This measurement helps you to find out how long your golf club might be. Be sure about your overall height. But this does not give you an exact solution, depends on the fact discuss below.

●    Measurement of Wrist to Floor: The wrist to floor measurement is the second fact to choose the right club length for you. This measurement refers to the distance from the floor to the wrist. So take your normal posture, no bending. You should stand straight and let your both arms hanging down freely. You should also wear your regular shoes or sneakers. It is good for measurement if someone assists you. Now measure wrist-to-floor distance.

You have now two numbers of your height and wrist-to-floor distance. With these two numbers, you can now easily determine almost an exact club length by following the below fitting chart.

The above two methods are mentioned as ‘static method’. There is another method, named ‘Dynamic Method’. The Dynamic method is all about a player’s In-swing consideration and overall height

Till now, I have discussed the determination of the length of drivers, woods, and irons. However, the most used length for putters is between 32 inches to 37 inches long. Because of the movement variation in the putt shot, the length of the putter is based on comfort, height, and putting stance. 

How to Measure Golf Club Lengths?

There are three techniques or methods that exist to measure a golf club length –

  • Ruler Technique
  • USGA Method
  • LDA (Long Drivers of America) Method

For measuring your golf club with the USGA method, you need a specific digital high-end device for accuracy. And after completing the measurement, you will get ⅛ inches additional club length.

Moreover, the LDA technique is basically good for measuring long driver length.

But the Ruler technique measurement is the simplest and easiest method to follow. Anyone can measure his/her clubs at home by following this technique.

Note: The measurement of putter length is different. The below steps will beneficial to measure irons, woods, and drivers.

So how to measure your golf club length properly takes some easy steps to follow. To follow this ruler method you just need a 48 inches ruler/measuring tape/scale. It to use a 48 inches ruler if you are all your own in the measuring procedure.

  • Place the golf club in a playing position, more specifically your normal gripping position of the club/driver. The center of the club’s sole should touch the ground. In other words, the clubface should be placed parallel to the flat surface.
  • Put the measuring ruler at the backside of the shaft. The ruler stick should be placed on the ground right at the heel of the golf club.
  • Align the shaft and ruler properly. Make sure about this.
  • Now take the final reading on the measuring ruler from the end of the club’s grip, rather than the edge of the grip.
  • Note that, you should not take measurement from the very end of the grip, leave about ⅛ inches left.

Measuring Putter Length

The measuring of putter length is different from the other golf clubs due to the positioning of the shaft. Anyone can easily measure putter length following the above steps (ruler technique) except the ruler position.

  • Do not place the ruler at the heel of the putter.
  • Place the ruler in line with the center of the putter.


It is good to go with the long clubs. Because if you have any problem with the length of your club, you can simply cut the extra shaft length according to your need. And, the rest of the things will remain okay, need not purchase a new golf club.

Importance of Proper Golf Club Length

The measurement techniques may seem to you very simple in characteristic. But the proper length of a golf club has significant impacts on playing golf.

  • If the club length will longer than your height, you will have to stand so straight.
  • If the club length is shorter than your ideal golf height, you have to bend too much.
  • Improper directly affect your golf shot, swing, score, posture, and the distance of the shots.
  • It will affect your accuracy and consistency.

Final Verdict

In the article, we are talking about the techniques to measure the right golf club length including putter with how to determine. Although you should have well aware of the importance of the ideal club length for you. The ideal length for you depends on your style, height, swing, and comfort as I’ve mentioned earlier.

At the end of the writing, you should clear about how to measure golf club lengths properly in a simple way. I hope, who were struggling to find out the simple & easy steps to measure their golf club, are now in comfort. The right length of the club (for you) not only improvise your worse shots but also in your posture and swing speed.

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