How to Maintain Golf Cart Batteries

How to Maintain Golf Cart Batteries

The golf cart batteries are the most expensive parts in the cart. Maintaining a golf cart properly basically clicks on how to maintain golf cart batteries. Most of the golf carts are run by 6, 8, 12 volts batteries and their types are generally lead-acid or lithium-ion batteries. A golf cart usually uses 4 to 8 batteries under the front seats to run in the course. The carts are driven by a total of 36-volt, or 48-volt, or 72-volts batteries.  After completing the thrill of having a golf cart, the main thing that comes to care about maintaining its batteries. Otherwise, you have to go to get the new thrill within a short period!

After purchasing a golf cart, we all have some thoughts on our minds. How long the golf cart will last? How to care for the golf cart? How to maintain the batteries? How to refill waters in the golf cart batteries? Well, today I will discuss with you everything related to maintaining the golf cart batteries. Without proper maintenance, the batteries become corroded and loose the power in a quick time. Let’s start.

How to Maintain Golf Cart Batteries Properly?

The proper care and maintenance of a deep cycle battery need some of your quality times. Golf cart battery maintenance takes not so much time of your personal time. Just a timable action as per the situation demand. Here I take some key things to follow-up on.

New Batteries Charging
A brand new deep cycle battery needs to be full charged before first use. It needs some time to reach its full capacity- several charging cycles to achieve the maximum capacity (approximately 50 to 125 cycles depends on battery quality).

Using Regular Charger
You get the main regular charger when you purchase the golf cart. It should be an automatic charger. Recently, all chargers are automatic. The regular charger must be a 36-volt for a 36-volt golf cart and the thing is similar to other carts by their battery voltage.

Charging the Batteries
You should charge your golf cart batteries properly. It is the most crucial part for maintaining it and prolong its lifespan. Do the charging in a well-ventilated area. The recharging needs 8 to 10 hours depending on how much the batteries are discharged. Perform the charging every night for making it a habit. Avoid charging at 120 degrees Fahrenheit or above temperature. Check the venti caps and water level of battery levels before charging. The venti caps should remain tight while recharging the batteries. Do not over-charge the batteries- the best is to use an automatic charger. Recharge the batteries after a period of use.

Cleaning the Batteries

In proper golf cart battery maintenance procedure, its needs to cleaning after a certain period, once a month or every three months. The acid corrosion, dirt, dust over the battery cells hampered the longevity and power. Before cleaning, turn off the battery switch, wear protective goggles and hand gloves, make sure the venti caps are kept tight. Make a cleaning solution with water and baking soda. Spay the mixer over the cells and brush the dirt areas with a soft bristle brush don’t brush it hard, gently. After cleaning, rinse with lukewarm water and clean the cells with a dry cloth. After that make the batteries dry, keeping them in an open shinny area. You can buy an anti-corrosive spray to use whenever needed to get rid of acid corrosion.

Refilling Batteries with Water

Refilling Batteries with Water

Keeping the water level in the battery cells at optimal height is very important. Fill the battery cells with distilled water, not tap water. Often, you are in doubt about how to refill the water in golf cart batteries? Well, use the distilled water ¼ to ½ inch above the cell plates. That means the water should remain above of lead element of the cells.  You should refill the water into water holes after every full charge. Or, check the battery water every 7 days. While working with filling the water, you must use protective clothing and turn off the battery switch.

Battery Cables and Venti Caps
Check battery cables, connections, and venti caps, are they free of acid corrosion or not? If there is corrosion, clean it. You may use a battery terminal protector or a thin coat of petroleum jell over venti caps to keep it clean.

Electrolyte Levels
Before charging, check the electrolyte level in the water. You find the fluid level in the series of plates that allows to function the battery. If the fluid level is not right, water the level before plugging the charger cable and check it after the charging.

A long period of inactivity of a lead-acid battery or any kind of battery can be extremely harmful. How to store golf carts for the off-season or winter season is a high maintenance concern to know about.

  • Cleaning the golf cart batteries properly.
  • Make the battery fully charged and put it in a neutral position.
  • If you have to store it outside, be sure to secure it with a heavy-duty cover.
  • Use a trickle charger that will charge the battery once a week or a month at a time.
  • Store the battery in a dry, cool, and clean location.
  • Before re-activating, charge the golf cart manually/completely, depending on the battery’s health.

This kind of battery maintenance applies to long storage for any reason and a seasonal player who needs not recharge their battery every night.

Routine Check-up
Everything which you want to be maintained accurately, needs a re-check or routine check-up. And, golf cart battery maintenance procedures have no difference from that.

  • Check the water into the water holes after a certain period of busy time. You need to refill water frequently on hot days and a sound inspection of the battery in winter or a long storage period.
  • Examine any kind of damage signs in the battery cells, connection, or due to acid corrosion.
  • If any corrupt cable is detected doing examine, change it quickly.
  • Once a month, check each battery cell’s voltage by clamping a Multimeter to the terminal. If low voltage is signified for any battery, it should have to change.

Safety Precautions

When you are charging, or working with lead-acid batteries need to remember some things.

  • Wear protective goggles and hand gloves.
  • Switch off the charger plug.
  • Try not to charge the battery at 120 degrees Fahrenheit or above temperature.
  • Make the venti caps tight while charging.
  • Don’t smoke while performing golf cart battery maintenance.
  • Keep away any type of sparkle particles while charging.

Golf Cart Batteries Maintenance Tips

  • Keep the batteries dry, clean and place the cart in a well-ventilated area.
  • Always use a regular charger or matched charger for recharging your carts.
  • Use an automatic charger to avoid an overcharge situation.
  • Stay away from using an over-sized charger.
  • Do a refresh charge every 45 to 60 days for maintaining maximum battery capacity even on the hottest days.
  • Check the watering before and after the recharge.
  • Try to recharge your golf cart batteries every night, even if you have used them for 10 minutes.
  • For refilling battery holes, always use distilled water, no high mineral water.
  • Use a trickle charger for long time storage.
  • Make the battery clean once a month using baking soda paste with water.
  • Keep examine the acid-corrosion over the battery and connection wire.
  • Should use anti-corrosion jelly or vaseline on the battery’s terminal for extra protection.
  • Do not go for cheap batteries, if you have to replace them.
  • Never let the battery discharge below 20%.
  • Never try to charge frozen batteries, which seem to be dead. Follow the procedure on how to change a dead golf cart battery.
  • Don’t forget to perform a routine maintenance check-up.
  • Try not to extra use of your golf cart battery, when no point to use it.

Final Words…

The available golf carts in the market are used almost the same types of batteries. The golf cart battery maintenance guide is quite similar for all, the basic things. Maintaining golf cart batteries is just like a regular exercise. Generally, a golf cart battery’s longevity is 5 to 6 years. How to maintain golf cart batteries show you the tips to achieve the maximum age of your cart’s battery. You should not discharge your battery 80%, maintain between 50% to 80%. How much you have well-maintained your golf cart battery, you have to replace it after a time. For avoiding a huge amount of money to replace all the batteries at a time, go for one after one replacement. But, keep up the strict battery maintenance schedule for allowing a maximum age to your golf cart batteries.

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