How to Increase Club Head Speed

How to Increase Club Head Speed

Golfing is a game of joy. This game can give excitement and extraordinary amusements. But this excitement and joy last only if you can show some great performance in the golf field. And your performance reflects through your shots. For becoming a pro golfer, you had to master different shot techniques for different situations.

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Among these, the most important shots are long-distance shots. The more distance your ball cover on one shot, the more you have chances of making a good score on the game. That’s why expert golfer focuses to increase the speed of their clubface. If you are willing to develop your shot-speed and wondering how to increase club head speed, then this article is going to help you.

How to Increase Club Head Speed – Golf Swing Tips

Club head speed increasing process can be divide into two categories. One is to improve hitting postures and the other is to develop muscle-power through various exercises. Both are quite important for improving speed. Follow these given steps and exercises to achieve your goal quickly and comfortably.

Posture Improving

Improving your stance will allow you for hitting more powerfully with much speed. Consider these things while positioning for a long shot.

Keep Your Muscles Much Flexible

Flexibility is the key to gaining much energy while hitting. From backswing till the swing after hit, keep your muscle flexible. Tightening up muscles decreases the swing-gained speed. So, make sure you are keeping your muscles(except some) much flexible while golfing.

Proper Griping

Your gripping is the only contact point between you and the club. You send your power to the club head only through this contact point. That’s why proper gripping is obligatory for increasing club head speed. Hold the club on its top-end with your left hand. Now wrap the club with your thumb making 90-degree with the shaft. Then wrap the club with other fingers with a good grip.

Then place the right hand just below your left hand. Wrap all fingers like the left hand and rotate the right hand until you can see two of your knuckles. Make sure that both of your hands sit tight with one another. Do it in vice versa if you are a left-handed golfer. It will give you a good grip and help with proper power shifting.

Bend Wrist While Swinging Back the Club

This little approach can greatly increase the club head speed. Just bend your wrist back as much you can at the time of the backswing-posture. Then slowly bend the wrist forward at the time of downswing. This will provide some extra power and increase the speed of the club head. This may seem difficult, but it is quite comfortable after some practice hits.

Downswing Instead of Direct-Swing

Most newcomers and intermediate-level golfers often do this mistake. They swing the golf clubs directly toward the ball. As a result, the shot-speed can’t provide enough lift to the ball. It also sometimes diverts the ball from its path. Instead, swing downward at first and then swing the club toward the ball. This will give enough swing-time to the club to gain more power and increase the club head speed.

Fix Your ‘Whoosh’ Sound

It is a pretty popular technique to improve timing. For this, hold the golf club upside down and swing like your regular club-swings. If you can hear a ‘whoosh’ sound, then check the point where you hearing the sound. If you hear the sound at the very bottom where the ball is supposed to stand, then your shots are at the top speed!

If you hear the sound after or before that region, practice and shift the sound to the bottom(close to the ground). On the other hand, if you don’t hear any ‘whoosh’ sound, well you need to swing harder!

Developing Muscle-Power Through Exercises

Another approach for increasing your club head speed by improving muscles through different exercises. Do these exercises to improve your shot-speed.

Weighted Golf Club

It is one of the best exercises you can do for increasing club head speed. Weighted golf clubs can be pursued from online shop and other exercise accessories shop and can cost around $25. Exercise with a weighted golf club can benefit a lot. Exercise with it is pretty straightforward, swing the club as if you are hitting with your regular club. Do it on regular basis for a quick result.

Exercise Using Med Balls

Med balls are awesome because of their vast usability for exercises. You can do lots of different exercises with these balls. For developing club head speed, your primary target would be improving arm and collar muscles. That’s why exercise with the med balls for developing these muscles. One best exercise with the med ball is throwing the ball hard on the wall while keeping your body straight. This exercise is much beneficial for arm muscles.

Do Planks

Planks are a great stretching exercise. Plank stretches the muscles of your hip and mid area. It allows you to rotate your body more while swinging for a shot. It will definitely give you some space for stretching your body and gaining more energy for hitting. Planks would be more effective and fruitful if you can plank with a physio-ball.

Final Verdict

Increasing the clubhead speed is a dream of every golfer. Your little efforts can improve your skills and you can perform great is the golf course. With the right stance and muscle power, you can drive the ball much far than others. The only things that need are the right exercises, postures, practice, and confidence. Follow the mentioned process and exercise and you will certainly have improved club head speed.

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