How to Hold a Golf Club Right Handed

How to Hold a Golf Club Right Handed

“How to Hold a Golf Club Right Handed” you will find hundreds of articles and tutorials on this topic. But most of them make this very complex and hard-to-understand for new players. Though holding a golf club correctly is not that much simple as it sounds. You need to know certain things and pay attention to some minor detail for control and powerful hit. Believe it or not, if your club holding is poor, then your stance, swing, and hits also get affected by it. That’s why griping is one of the most important parts of golfing and for becoming an expert golfer, you must know how to hold a golf club right-handed if you are a right handed person and vice versa for a left-handed person. Here you will get to know about griping with the right-hand posture but in a simple way.

How to Hold a Golf Club Right Handed Perfectly

Here is a step by step guide to learn to hold a golf club right handed.

Step 1

At the very first, square the clubface and grab your club waist-high in front of you. Now for holding a golf club right handed, you must hold the club with the left hand first.

Step 2

Put your left-hand palm aligned with the club shaft or club handle. It should make a straight line diagonally. Make sure your thumb is making a 90-degree angle with the club handle. Now wrap the club with your other fingers.  Then make sure that the top of your left-hand palm is a quarter or half-inch down from the top of the club handle and after holding, you should still see the club’s top end.

Step 3

For a natural grip, rotate your left hand on the golf club in the right till you see two of your left-hand knuckles when you look down. It is a comfortable position for most golf players and it is also a great starting point.

Step 4

After placing the left hand, it’s time for the right hand. Place your right hand just on the top of your left hand’s thumb. Now place the right-hand thumb in the full opposite direction of your left hand’s thumb. Now wrap the club with all of your other fingers with a good grip. Make sure the ‘V’ shape between your right thumb and forefinger is pointing between your left shoulder to the middle of your sternum.

If you did every step correctly, you have just learned how to hold a golf club right handed properly. But it is just an overall common gripping method and yet there are also some gripping types and methods which you should learn and practice.

Grip Methods

There are mainly three types of grips which are widely used by golfers and also very fruitful for golfing. Here is a brief description of those grip types.

Interlocking Grip

It is a very useful method for powerful swings and hits. In this method, you interlock both hands so your hands can work together while swinging and you will have a good grip.

For interlocking Grip, follow those mentioned steps first. The only difference is, you have to put the right hand’s pinkie or small finger between your left hand’s middle finger and forefinger and lock it well. This will interlock your both hands with one another and provide you some extra power while hitting.

10-Finger Grip

10-Finger Grip

10-Finger Grip is pretty comfortable for peoples with small-sized hands. In this method, you are using your every single finger to hold the club. So undoubtedly you are having one of the most powerful grips. Though this method is not very popular among professional golfers but many newcomers are liking this grip method.

For this type of holding, you just have to put your right hand very close to your left hand and should not have any gap between them. Your right-hand pinkie or small finger should touch your index finger or forefinger of your left hand and sit tightly beside one another.

Overlapping Grip

The overlapping grip method is suitable for pretty much everyone and it is yet the most popular and commonly used grip method in the golf world. This method is also very comfortable who have relatively bigger hands.

For this grip, you also don’t need any complex hand postures. Just follow those mentioned steps and put your left hand’s index between your right hand’s small and ring fingers. And that’s it!

Some Tips

Tips are always helpful.  These can improve your posture and develop your skills as a golfer much faster. Here are some tips regarding holding and hitting.

Check Your Hand Grip Before Hitting

Twice checking proves helpful for most situations. It is a good habit, especially when you continuously use different types of grips in the same game. After griping and having a good stance, check again that your holding is correct and you have a good grip on the club handle. After a quick check, you can proceed for hitting the ball.

Don’t Grip Tightly All The Time

Flexibility is very much essential for golfing. This also appropriate for your grip on the club shaft. Tight grips don’t give a full controlled hit and you fail to send the ball to your expected destination. Always keep in mind, your success hugely depends on the flexibility of your grip. Keep your grip slightly loose and only grip very tight as soon as your club hits the ball.

Right Shifting of Power

Right power shifting is a must for becoming an expert golfer. Power should be shifting from your feet to thighs and respectively on your collar muscles, bicep muscles, hands.  At the last, the power should shift from your hand to the clubface. It may need a correct stance and a great amount of practice as well. But this will definitely affect your golfing in a good way!


An expert golfer can predict about your shot by only seeing your grips of the club. So now you probably understand how important good and correct holdings are! A wrong grip can badly affect its followings lie stance and swing and ruin the whole shot. That is why practice with the following steps and with the most comfortable grip method you like.  

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