How to Hold a Golf Club Left Handed

How to Hold a Golf Club Left Handed

Only a left-handed golfer might understand the difficulties he or she faces at golfing. Lack of left-hand-play tutorials, hard in getting golf-related equipment, difficulties in finding a left-handed instructor, etc. sometimes demotivates left-handed golfers. Some even try to play in a right-hand posture by going against their ability. But you must know, these will probably never help at all and playing should be in the way that suits your body. So don’t pretend to play like a right-handed player and if you are a lefty, then you must learn and practice every method in the left postures. One of the core parts of golfing is the holding of the golf club. It is the topic you will learn here today. Of course, in a detailed and easier way.

How to Hold a Golf Club Left Handed Playing Guide

Golfing with the left hand might be a little hard for some time. But with a good hold on the club and right stance will give you control over the shot. Here is how to hold a golf club left handed in step by step.

Overlapping Grip

  • Step 1

overlapping grip method, grab the golf club with your right hand. Now place your right hand around a quarter to half inches from the top of the club. Put your thumb straight 90° with the club shaft and wrap other fingers around the club with a proper grip. The bottom of the V shape made by your forefinger and thumb should point to your right shoulder and the thumb should point to the left half of the club’s grip.

  • Step 2

After properly placing the right hand on the club, place your left hand just below the right one. Start with the small finger, put it at the gap between the middle finger and forefinger of the right hand. For the left-hand thumb, do the vice versa of the right-hand thumb. Wrap other fingers around the club with a good grip. Now you are ready with your club!

Overlapping grip is one of the most used gripping methods in golf. This grip or holding is particularly beneficial for persons with bigger hand size.

Interlocking Grip

  • Step 1

Put your right hand on the grips first. Place your thumb similar to the overlapping grip method. Also, the V shape between the forefinger and the thumb should point between your sternum and right shoulder. So, this step is quite similar to the 1st step of the overlapping grip.

  • Step 2

For your left hand, place it similarly to step 2 of the overlapping grip. But this time put your right-hand forefinger between the little and ring fingers of your left hand. This posture will interlock your both and hands and hands get fixed with each other. It is really a good type of grip as a left-handed person, you must master it for better performance.

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10-Finger Grip

On the 10-Finger Grip method, every single of your fingers should be on the club. This is why this method is called the “10-finger grip”. This grip is not often seen in golf. Some new golfers find it pretty comfortable and fruitful. So they go for it.

  • Step 1

Place the right has first on the club. The position of the right hand is the same as the other two methods. Get a great grip on the club by wrapping with all the fingers in the right position.

  • Step 2

This time put the left hand just under the right hand. Your left-hand pinky or small finger should be touching the forefinger of your right hand. The V shape between your thumb and forefinger of your left hand is supposed to pointing at the right shoulder. Now wrap the club shaft with all of your five fingers. The left-hand thumb must be at 90° with the club shaft.

10-Finger Grip is a powerful grip and fully controlled hit. It is a perfect grip for people who has small palm and fingers. If you are a new golfer and learning golf, then try these methods, and if you feel comfortable with it then choose this method as your primary club holding posture.

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Some Tips

A career with left-hand posture might get difficult sometimes, especially when you have to cope up with some experienced right-handed golfers. But it is always possible to overcome these situations in one way or another. Here are some tips that may help you to develop your skills and as a left handed golfer.

Check Your Both Hand Posture Before Hitting

Checking twice is helpful all the time. So after griping and having the correct stance and ball position, check again that you have held the club correctly. Then proceed to hit the ball.

Avoid Very Tight Grip

In golf, a major portion of your success depends on the flexibility of your body muscles. This is true about your club grips also. If you hold the club very tight, hits will not be on the way you want. As a result, the ball doesn’t fly in your expected zone. Instead of that, grip little lightly at first and grip super tightly as soon as your club hits the ball.

Power shifting

Balanced and correct power shifting is a must-have for becoming a pro-level golfer. Power should be shifting from your feet to thighs, collar muscles, hands, and clubface respectively. Proper balance and power shifting need correct stance and a great amount of practice. So, keep practicing until you master power shifting.

Final Verdict

Playing with left-hand posture is not a curse and not a thing that should come between you and your success. Though there are not many instructors and equipment available for a left-hand person, but they are increasing. But it is always the way you feel comfortable. To learn how to hold a golf club left-handed by following the process and keep practicing.

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