How to Hit Irons Straight

How to Hit Irons Straight Beginner to Expert

Every golfer always has to increase his/her skill from time to time. Otherwise, he or she will definitely be weaker than the others. Believe me, master in hitting an iron straight may seem harder but it is simple too. Just you have to follow up on some basic things and keep practicing regularly.

The beginner golfer often faces the problem of how to hit irons straight. The pro golfers hit a shot with their perfect posture and swing. They have already adjusted their ball’s spin inconsistency or problems related to it. The small degree of slice or hook doesn’t matter to their perfect hit. They can also have sound knowledge about how to hit long irons straight, super straighter iron shots, where it is so difficult to perform for a beginner. So for the beginner golfer, this article will be basic. And, to an established golfer, it will be a revision or maybe help to correct their wrong drills if there any. What is the good thing waiting for the beginner, can you imagine? When you consume the article whole-hearted, you will have the necessary knowledge on how to hit irons pure and straight consistently. Stay tuned!

How to Hit Irons Straight in Golf?

Generally, the fresher golfers make a mistake in that try to hit the golf ball by generating their clubhead speed with a wrong movement “trying to lift the ball”. But hitting irons straighter actually depends on accuracy, not on generating unnecessary speed. The golf ball should be hit with the center of the clubface. Otherwise, the ball will create an extra side or backspin that will be the cause for a slice or a hook. Let’s take a look at how to hit irons straight.

  • Take a wide stance and place the ball between your two legs but in front of your stance. You should extend your arms and bend your knees slightly for a proper rotation or a great turn.
  • Grip your iron accurately to hit a proper iron shot. It may be a neutral grip. I hope in the meantime, you know how to hold your clubs properly and discover your comfortable grip.
  • It should prefer to choose 7-iron for hitting an iron shot super straight. But it can be any type of iron you are comfortable with and easy to control.
  • Now pick your target and make a proper alignment with your stance. If there is no solid visible target like a flag, then imagine one. Picking a target is beneficial for your brain-storming (aiming and executing) to perform an iron shot straight.  When you fix a target, your iron shot will dramatically increase your passion for hitting iron or any kind of shot.
  • Make a solid contact on the ball with your clubface. You should swing through your hips by rotating your upper body, don’t sliding away from the body structure. And you should distribute your body weight equally on both feet to ensure a square impact on the ball.
  • Hit the ball with open clubface impact. The solid clubhead impact is essential to hit iron shot straighter. When I said, it should be solid, that means it should be solid up to hitting the ball. Hit the ball with the center of your clubhead. Do not make a contact a little bit right or left according to your swing path. If you do, then it would be a cause for a slice or a hook shot but straight.
  • You must finish your swing in the right manner as you do to hit a straight shot with other clubs. In the backswing tilt your body slightly and in the downswing rotate your upper body through your hips. When you finish your hit, make a nice, tall but a control divot towards the target line.
  • Moreover, practice your whole swing position by generating a different range of speed and motion. But every time swing your club in the plane line and ensure a proper followthrough making a divot as a professional does.
  • Throughout the whole process, maintain your proper balance and practice the whole factors until it becomes your second nature. After that, you will do the things so naturally that you even think about how to hit an iron shot or any type of shot straight with any clubs.

How to Hit Long Irons Straight?

It is easy to hit a straight shot with long irons because of its little loft, but hard to master on it. The main thing different here is addressing the golf ball and you have to swing slightly steeper to make solid contact on the golf ball.

  • Put your lead foot slightly towards the target, but not as much as you do with a short iron.
  • The trail foot should step away from the target and this step away should bigger than the step you have taken for your lead foot.
  • The ball must be slightly forward of the stance and at the middle of your both foot space.
  • And the rest of the things are the same as I described above.

You know the straight shot with a long iron (2-, 3-, or 4-iron) is much easier than the other irons. And the beginners are love to use it when it is needed to hit straightener, Furthermore, with a long iron, you can cover a long distance by maintaining your straight stance and posture.

7 Things to Follow Up in Golf

It is vital to set up proper stance, swing, and ball positions for iron in Golf play. So at first maintain the basic need to hit your iron shots straight, whether it is a long iron, mid-iron, or short iron, does not matter at all.

Proper Stance: You have to get your proper stance, the body position, and everything related to this. The stance will provide you the accurate entire swing from backswing to follow through.

Holding Your Iron: To hit a shot straight you have to learn about your grip. It must not be too tight or too weak. Many people suggest that the grip should be neutral. But the vital aspect is- it actually doesn’t matter.

Holding Your Iron

Aiming and Alignment with the Target Line: In a golf course while you hitting an iron shot or any kind of shot, it is not usual that there always stands a target to aim for. If there exists no such markable target, then fix a target individually towards green, or fairway, or flag. And make your set up proper alignment with the target line.

Ball Positioning and Addressing Your Golf Ball: After taking your stance, your perfect posture, and right grip, need to position the ball properly and address the golf ball with your iron n the right way. That means the ball position with your posture and club towards the target.

Ball Positioning and Addressing Your Golf Ball

Weather Situation: Well, when you hitting a golf ball straight with your clubs, you should check your surroundings and windy situation. That is how the wind flows? Is it follows right from left or left from right or is it just okay and neutral? Because the wind direction plays a vital role in hitting irons straighter. If the wind blows from left to right or right to left, then a fade or a draw with your clubs or irons is the solution to keep your shot straight with a small degree of the curve towards the target. Moreover, get rid of slice and hook with your irons, they are the extreme version of fade and draw hit.

Clubface Impact: Be a master of your clubface impact. You should straight your clubface until to the moment of contact while hitting a straight shot. Make a modest, small size swing but try not to hit the golf ball hard.

Mindset: Relax your hands, body, and mind while hitting the golf ball from the starting to the end.

The Last Words

At the end of my writing, it should be clear that how to hit irons straight. Most of the beginners make a simple mistake while hitting a straight shot is trying to lift the ball into the air. And in a result, it becomes a thin iron shot. You must remember that your stance, swing through body plane, and clubface impact matters the most to hit your iron shot super straight. So keep working on the key factors first and make your posture right for hitting a straight shot precisely.

Moreover, remember the fact- hitting the ball first and ground after. You should also do gentle practices for achieving your proper stance and swinging technique to hit the irons pure consistently. Careful about your body and clubface position, ensure a perfect swing and impact that will give you immense pleasure to hit the super straight iron shots.

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