How to Hit a Stinger

How to Hit a Stinger in Golf

‘Stinger shot’ is a great addition to golf. Tiger Wood showed his intelligence and experience by lifting this amazing shot to a whole new level. Stinger is really an effective shot in many circumstances and pleasant to see as an audience. It is a worth-learning for every golfer who made it through his primary learning stages.

Stinger shot is a pretty casual shot-technique in golf and one must learn how to hit a stinger in the rightmost way to have full benefits of this shot. Moreover, mastering this shot is quite harder compare to other shots and must need a proper guideline.

How to Hit a Stinger

What Is The ‘Stinger Shot’ Really Is?

The term ‘Stinger shot’ was quite uncommon among the average and beginner-level golfers. But the legendary American Golfer Tiger Wood (Eldrick Tont) takes this shot to a whole new popularity-level with his amazing stinger shots.

The stinger shot which is also known as ‘Knockdown shots’ is a shot-technique by which you can send the ball to a pretty long distance with very low spin and lower flight. It is usually useful when accuracy is the foremost priority. Since it has a very low trajectory, it is also much helpful in the windy situation. Generally, this shot is done by woods, long irons, and hybrids. But this shot is quite difficult to learn and needs good golfing experience and lots of practice hours to master it.

Is Stinger Shots Beneficial for You?

The answer mostly depends on you! Specifically, the benefits of learning stinger or knockdown shot depend on your experience of golfing, your knowledge of golf, the ability to judge any golf-situation, the time you can spend learning it, etc.

On average scene, learning the stinger is undoubtedly beneficial and will surely amplify your performance if you properly hit it. Moreover, it will make a good impression of you among other fellow golfers and give amusement to the audiences. But, if you are pretty new in the golf world, have less experience of golfing, and still learning to evaluate the game-situations, then it is better to wait for the right moment.

How to Hit a Stinger Golf Shot?


Learning and mastering stinger is comparatively difficult and needs a moderate level of experience and a good amount of practice. But it is only difficult, not impossible! If you have finished your basics of golfing and playing golf quite a time, then you can learn this awesome shot-technique by following these steps.

Start with Selecting and Positioning

Choose The Appropriate Club


The foremost thing is you have to choose the right club for the shot. As I mentioned, this shot is only effective and comfortable through some individual clubs.

Though you can always try with almost any club these are the clubs that mostly used to hit a stinger.

  • Long irons
  • 2-iron
  • 3-iron
  • 4-iron
  • Fairway woods
  • Hybrid clubs (a bit difficult to hit a stinger)

Ball Position


Your standing according to the position of the golf ball is very important to perform a proper stinger. For and stinger shot, keep the ball almost to the middle alignment of your body. Your feet should be a bit closer than regular stance. Basically, you have to make a narrow stance. Also, stand a bit closer to the ball than regular distance.

The Swing

Have A Good Grip

Though it depends on your height and the length of the club that you are using, you have to grip the club much lower (Usually, one 1 inch down than regular) than your regular grip. It will simply give more control over the shot.


For a stinger shot, you must have a full backswing. Your grip on the club should around the level of your eye and the club make an upside down ‘y’ with your hands. Keep a little bit of pressure on your frontal foot.


Lead the downswing with your lower body and Keep rotating your upper body with the downswing. Don’t get too much excited or nervous while swinging and focus on the target instead.

You also have to gain a good amount of clubhead speed for an effective stinger. Initially swing downwards and then swing toward the ball. It will give a bigger swing and allow the clubhead to gain more speed. The clubface should be square or slightly open while hitting the ball. Hit at the center or upper-center of the ball. The hands should be leading and hitting hard. Keep the follow-through shorter so it can reduce the loft of the ball.


If you want to master this shot-technique, there is nothing but practicing. You have to practice until your shots become much accurate and you feel fully confident with your shots.

  • Practice with different clubs and use different length clubs.
  • Practice for different distances.
  • Evaluate your shots and judge your progress.

Some Tips

  • Learn how to hit a stinger irons, driver, and fairway woods by practicing with each of them.
  • If not necessary, avoid stinger with hybrid clubs.
  • Practice in front of an expert and take his advice.
  • Develop your ability to judge the scenario for a certain shot.

Final Verdict

Stinger is a quite difficult but yet much effective shot for many situations. It is much interesting too. If you are a good golfer, then not mastering the stinger may be a foolish step. A professional-level player should know how to hit a low stinger and other tricky shots. The given guideline will definitely help you in mastering the stinger shot!

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