How to Hit a Pitching Wedge

How to Hit a Pitching Wedge

Pitching wedge is probably one of the most effective weapons for a pro-level golfer! It is greatly beneficial for some of the vital shots in golf. So, proper control of pitching wedges could affect a lot on a game of golf. But for good control on pitching wedges, you must know how to hit a pitching wedge perfectly and may need some hardcore practices too. Well, the practices are up to you! But you can learn the best way of hitting a pitching wedge most simply by reading this article. So keep reading!

Basic Information About Pitching Wedge

The pitching wedges are primarily used for playing pitch shots and are specially designed for that purpose. These can be compared to short irons for their bouncing characteristics and the bounces can be between 2°-4° in a good shot. Pitching wedges which is the lowest clubface loft (between 43° to 50°). The shaft length could be from 34 to 38 inches. That’s why pitching wedge might be a hard one to mastering but it is undoubtedly an important one that a golfer should learn to use. Besides, With full control, you can shot the ball from a shorter distance through the fairway with it and it can be used as a chip too.

How to Hit a Pitching Wedge Perfectly

If you are a new golfer, then mastering the pitching wedge could a little hard for you and take some time. But good methods and enough practice will surely give you full control over it. Here is the simplest and stepwise description to hit a pitching wedge perfectly.

  • Step 1: Hold The Grip Correctly

The grip is one of the essential parts of a fruitful hit. So, grip the pitching wedge confidently and perfectly because most golfers make mistakes here.

For proper gripping, first place the left hand. Start by placing your thumb straight right on the club’s handle. Now put your right hand on the left hand’s thumb and overlap it. Make sure that you place your right hand’s little finger just in the middle of the left hand’s index and middle finger. Now put the right thumb straight left on the club. Grip with slight pressure. If you have done it correctly, you should have an excellent grip!

  • Step 2: Have The Perfect Posture

Good posture is a must for a powerful and controlled shot. You must focus on your stance and must not tighten up your muscles. Make sure the golf ball is placed at the just middle or slightly sided on your hitting side and between one to two feet away from your legs (according to your height).

  • Step 3: Place The Pitching Wedge

For this, make sure that the clubhead parallels with the ground. Then align the club with the position of the ball.

  • Step 4: Backswing

The backswing is the most crucial step since the accuracy of hitting the ball is mostly depends on it. So you should be much conscious and careful about it. The first rule of a good backswing is to keep your body much flexible and muscles(except some) relaxed.

First, keep your front-side arm locked and fully concentrate on the ball. Keep the club align with the ball and backswing your hand in the air on the same locked gesture.

  • Step 5: Downswing

This is the final moment, now focus on the target area and imagine a way of the ball to that target area and the possible force that you need to send the ball to the target. Now lose your neck-muscles and downswing the pitching wedge with enough force. You have to make sure that it hits the ball on the just middle or just lower-middle of the ball with the middle of the clubface. Let your whole body flow with the downswing. This is how to hit a pitching wedge straight and accurate.

  • Step 6: Don’t Stop

For any type of golf shot, never try to resist your body as soon as you hit. This can sometimes cause you a bad hit since you won’t have full control while hitting. Moreover, you may end up having muscle injuries that are much worse. So, relax your muscles after hitting the ball and let the body flow with the downswing.

Video Instruction How to Hit a Pitching Wedge By Matt Meyer

How to Hit a Pitching Wedge 100 Yards

Generally, the pitch shot for hitting a pitching wedge 100 yards or within it. The chip shots are also can be used with a pitching wedge when you want to hit within 50 yards. Because the clubface loft is very lower, pitch shorts may get little tricky sometimes. Practice properly and you will be master the short in no time. A proper hit should fly the ball within 10 to 20 yards of the flag.

The chip shots are great for a 50 yard or less distance shot in friendly land conditions. Just position the golf club to your knee and hit the ball following the given steps. It should give you a good outcome.

How to Hit a Pitching Wedge 150 Yards or More

Hitting a ball 150 yards or more distance with a pitching wedge is not super difficult but the aiming is much harder. Because of the lower loft, the ball tends to fly and spin. Spinning diverts the way of the ball. So, for proper aiming, you have to master how to hit a pitching wedge high. The main goal is to focus on the expected pathway and hits with a suitable force. Again, practicing will make you master this.

When it comes to hitting a golf ball with a nice shot, a pitching wedge is a reliable and effective assistant. Mastering how to hit a pitching wedge in golf will definitely affect your score in a golf game.

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