How to Hit a Pitch Shot

How to Hit a Pitch Shot

A pitch shot is one of the best and most effective shots on the green. To become a pro golfer, you must know every aspect of golf. A major part of golf is to know about all the shots and tricks. Having proper knowledge on how to hit a pitch shot also includes within it. If you want a bright golf career, pitch shots can’t be neglected.

What Is a Pitch Shot

Pitch shot or sometimes called pitch is a type of golf-shot that is played with a high-lofted club. As you can expect this shot is for covering a relatively shorter distance with a much steeper ascent. These shots are usually played into the green (usually from 30- 90 yards).

The close brother of the pitch shot is the chip shot. The only two differences are, the pitch shots usually lift in the air for the major time and roll on the ground for a short time where a chip shot is used for the exact opposite purposes. The other difference is the chip shot is played to send the ball in the green and the pitch shots are performed in the green to drive the ball to the hole.

How to Hit a Pitch Shot in Golf

There are a lot of new players who think learning pitch short is harder and try to skip this vital shot-technique. This is a big mistake! To learn golf properly and perform well, you must learn this shot. Here is a simple stepwise guideline to perform a pitch shot properly.

Select Your Club

Usually, a pitching wedge or a sand wedge is used for performing a pitch shot since these clubs have the highest lofts. But you can also select a 9-iron if the ball doesn’t cover your expected distance.

Stand for a Perfect Pitch

Though the standing mostly depends on your club-length, your height, the distance you want to cover, and the size of the obstacles. In the usual way, you should stand keeping the ball between your sternum and frontal knee alignment to perform a basic pitch shot.


Believe it or not, your backswing highly controls your downswing and shot. So a proper and correct backswing is needed to have a successful pitch shot.

First, hold the club in the correct order. Grip the butt of the wedge with a good grip. For a proper swing, hold the club with your hand palms instead of your fingers. Then hold the golf club making a 90°angle between the hands and the club shaft. Now, backswing up keeping these posture. Many players make mistakes by thinking back swinging high results a good shot. It is not true, you only need the right posture and balance while backswing to have a proper result. Try to lift the clubhead higher as possible while swinging.


downswing in the core part of any golf shot. A shot like a pitch needs a lot of focus and attention. 

Start downswing swiftly and smoothly. For pitching shots, you don’t need to lean the club much. Keep your hands straight while swinging and shift your body-weight respectively. At the time of hitting, hit on the lower part of the ball to lift the ball much higher and have less roll on the ground. 

Keep Body Flexible

For a proper pitch shot, your body should be much flexible and the upper body should rotate with the swing. It should look like the club is pulling you towards the target direction. On the other hand, by keeping body muscles tighten, you have a very small opportunity to perform a good pitch shot.


  • Choose your club wisely before getting ready for a pitch shot.
  • Evaluate the whole scenario to find the right shot moment and calculate how you should shoot for an effective shot.
  • Always keep your mind calm while swinging for any shot. Otherwise, you will have less control over your shot.
  • Generally, pitch shot is played between 30 to 90 yards. So you must practice for different distances often. 
  • Use a mirror or shot in front of an expert to find out your errors effortlessly and detect the area where you need improvements.

Final Verdict

You can not become a good golfer until you have a perfect knowledge of pitch shots. These shots are really very important to stroll in the green. Since the green may full of obstacles, you must have the solution to cope up with them. Learn and practice pitch shots following the following guideline and steps and have a bright golf career.

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