How to Hit a GX7 Golf Driver

How to Hit a GX7 Golf Driver in The Right Way

Honestly, a major part of golfing depends on the clubs your use. The right selection of golf clubs can really make a huge difference on the scoreboard. With good clubs, you can have control, comfort, and confidence over your shots.

Among all top-quality golf clubs, the GX7 drivers are one of the most famous and widely used ones. These clubs are quite good and hit the ball much accurately. Though it is one of the best drivers in the market, many of us don’t know how to hit a GX7 golf driver correctly. If you are one of those who feel confused with a GX7 driver, don’t worry! This article will guide and show you the proper way of hitting with a GX7 Golf Driver.

Why Should You Use A GX7 Driver?

Before learning to hit with a GX7 driver, you should have overall knowledge about it and know it’s benefits. Though this club will be much beneficial for the newcomers and intermediate-level players these are some features that make GX7 a special club.

14° Loft Angle

GX7 has a loft angle of 14 degrees which is higher than most of the drivers. This loft-design minimizes the slice-tendency of the ball and helps the ball for an effortless launching.

Shorter Shaft

The shaft length of GX7 drivers is 43 inches. It gives better control and accuracy over every shot.

Less Volume & Better Aerodynamics

The approximate volume of a GX7 driver is 265cc that is lesser than most clubs. Also, its better aerodynamic design decreases the air-friction on a wider range. These features allow the player to hit much harder and fly the ball to a longer distance.

Also Works as a 7 Iron

Its design also allows it to work as a 7 iron and you can use it as a 7 iron with proper skill.

Reasonable Price

It can be a major motive to buy a GX7. GX7 driver is much cheaper than any other leading driver you can find in the market.

Moreover, there are many other features in a GX7 driver. It is truly a magnificent and flexible club!

How to Hit A GX7 Golf Driver?

GX7 driver is quite different from any other drivers on various prospective. That is why the proper way of using a GX7 is also slightly different from the regular ones. But don’t worry! These simple steps will make the use of a GX7 driver much effortless and easier for you.

  • Step 1

The foremost and the most important step of hitting a golf ball is undoubtedly the stance. Tee the golf ball and stand at least three steps away from the ball. Now stand in a little-more upright position than regular since the GX7 drivers are a little shorter. Hold the GX7 driver with a good grip and make sure the gap between your feet is one foot or higher.

  • Step 2

Slightly bend your knees forward. Make sure both that you have distributed the body-weight evenly on both feet. Weight balancing and shifting are the two most important things if you want to perform a good shot. Now make sure that you have held the driver in the correct position and the clubface is square towards the ball.

  • Step 3

Now it’s time for the backswing part. Hold the driver with a good grip and backswing it up in the air. The driver-head should not cross the vertical alignment of your head. Now focus on the ball and the target area to make an imaginary line between them. It is a great help for driving the ball accurately.

  • Step 4

Now for the most important step of all! For a controlled and accurate hit, focus on the ball. Now downswing the driver will expected speed. Meantime, shift your body-weight to your back-foot. While swinging forward, never swing directly toward the ball. Instead, downswing the driver and then hit the ball. It will help for a correct hit and give enough time to the driver for gaining speed.

Make sure that you have hit the ball on its center with the square-face of the clubface. Otherwise, the ball will spin and divert from its directed path. That’s why hitting on the right position of the ball with the right position of the clubface is the most important. Remember, Your hit-accuracy depends on it!

  • Step 5

Many of the new golfers think hitting the ball is the last step. This is a huge mistake. Never try to stop instantly after hitting. Swing your body with the club and let the club slower its speed. If you forcefully stop the club on the hitting point, it may not provide enough speed to the ball or can hit the ball in the wrong area. On the other hand, it may leave you with a serious muscle injury.

Final Verdict

Hitting with a GX7 driver may feel different than regular ones, but with proper hitting technique and practice, anyone will find this driver pretty straightforward and easier to control. Follow the mentioned steps to hit accurately every time.

GX7 divers are made keeping in mind the comforts and aerodynamics. It has many features that allow anyone to hit on the target with confidence. I have become fond of this driver and it is definitely one of the coolest drivers out there!

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