How to Hit a Golf Ball Straight

How to Hit a Golf Ball Straight Every-Time

Golfing is more fun and interesting if you know the right techniques and have full control over your every single hit. Otherwise, golf will feel like a difficult and boring game for you. Pro golfers are always up to mastering different methods and techniques.

Whether you are an expert player or a newcomer, one of the hardest things you will find in golf is mastering is to hit the ball very straight. Yet it is one of the most important things to make good scores. This method requires the right postures, good analysis, and proper attention. Most golfers struggle to master this vital technique and others literally don’t know how to hit a golf ball straight.

With this article, you will learn the proper and straightforward way of hitting a ball absolute-straight in simpler words. The rest depends on your practice and eagerness.

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How to Hit a Golf Ball Straight Easily

It is true that hitting the ball straight is much harder than many other hittings. But when it is a matter of making a good score, this technique is a must to master!

Sending The Ball in Long-Distance

  • Step 1

For sending the ball much further, you must tee your golf ball high. A higher tee will allow you to strike the ball on the upswing. Put the golf tee in its highest position and put the golf ball on the golf tee.

  • Step 2

After placing the ball properly, it’s time for your stance. Stand in a way that the golf ball remains straight-front before your left foot or slightly at the inner side(Do it in vice versa if you are a left-handed golfer). This will give a much larger space for swinging your club.

  • Step 3

For hitting the ball in much distance, you have to wide apart your legs. It will help you gain more power while swinging and allow you to drive the ball much harder. So, spread your legs more than your regular stance and distribute body-weight evenly on both of your legs.

  • Step 4

Now hold your club at the very end of the grip. By holding the club at its top-end you are allowing it for a maximized leverage. As a result, your hit will be even more powerful and fly the ball at a greater distance. Sometimes you may need to re-adjust your posture or change to a more suitable club to have the best and proper grip.

  • Step 5

Now make sure that your clubface is square with respect to the ball. Then grip your club relatively harder and draw the club back, up in the air. The club should slightly cross the vertical alignment of your head. Not more than that!

  • Step 6

For the final moment, keep your eye on the ball and make an imaginary line which your ball is supposed to follow. Now shift your weight to your behind-leg.

  • Step 7

Now swing the club swiftly and strike the golf ball with the square clubface. It is necessary to hit the ball with the center or lower center of the clubface. Otherwise, the ball will not fly a long distance and don’t go in a straight direction. Let the club swing forward after hitting.

Sending Ball in A Shorter Distance

  • Step 1

For a shorter flight, put in the golf tee half in the earth and place the golf ball on it.

  • Step 2

Now stand in the position so that the golf ball remains few inches behind your frontal feet alignment. Keeping the ball in this stance will allow you to have more control over it and have more accurate hits.

  • Step 3

Spread your legs a few inches wider than your shoulder-length. It will help you control your hit more effortlessly. Then spread your weight evenly on both feet.

  • Step 4

Now hold your club by the lower area of its grip. Gripping here will let you control the club more accurately while swinging. Make sure that the club will hit the ball with the center of its clubface.

  • Step 5

Now draw the club backward and get ready for a perfect shot! You don’t need to back-swing the club up in the ar too far. Concentrate on the ball and swing forward the club toward the ball. Hit the golf ball at the just-below of the center area of the ball. Also, make sure that the clubface is square while hitting the ball.

Tips For Golf Lover

Proper Balance

The power and control over your shots largely depend on the weight distribution and your weight shifting capability. So make sure that you are properly balancing and shifting your body weight while swinging the club for a hit.


The person who continuously practices anything is sure to master that sooner or later. It is also true for this golf technique. Though straight-hitting may feel a little hard at first but with regular practice and proper attention you can master it without any hassle.

Final Verdict

Golfing mostly depends on your postures, stance, and hitting techniques. Straight hitting is one of the major shots and you have to face almost all the time. If you don’t know the right way of driving the golf ball straight, this is a big minus point of your golfing career. So be patient and practice straight-hitting according to the mentioned ways.

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