How to Hit a Fade in Golf

How to Hit a Fade in Golf Easiest Way

In the world of golf, fading and drawing can be considered as the major sign of an expert player. These shots are one of the essentials that you need to unlock after entering the world of golf. Learning fading and drawing should the first things that you should learn after completing the basic learnings of golf.

This article only made focusing on golf fading. By reading it, you will know how to hit a fade in golf in an easier way. For a good golfing career, you certainly need to learn and apply the fading. Hitting fade will help you overcome many situations that you face almost every day on the golf course. This article will help your learning the proper way of hitting fade and overcoming many situations at the golf course.

What is Fade in Golf

In one word, fade is a skill of close-curving the golf ball path while the ball is flying. For fading, the curve should be on the inner side. If you are a right-hand player, then the curve should be at the left and vice versa for left-hand players. It looks like the ball is diverted from the target at the primary stage line but the ball curve-back on the path and ultimately the ball gets close to the target.

How to Hit a Fade in Golf Perfectly

Fading a golf ball is not a very easy job. it really needs much accuracy and lots of practice to earn these skills. But you cannot neglect the necessity of it. Fading is useful in many situations and it definitely helps you gain a good position in the game. Here is the simplest guideline on how to hit a fade golf shot.

Step 1:

The first job is to stand in a proper place with the right stance. Keep your feet a little left of your target (Do vice versa if you are a left-handed player). Stand at a suitable distance from your golf ball to have an accurate shot and give you the required ball spin.

Step 2:

Now you have to stand a little more behind on the golf ball than your regular stance. It will allow you to slightly-strike into the follow-through and give some extra loft to the clubface.

Step 3:

Now point your clubface towards your target area and grip the club tightly. It will simply allow you to hit straight and also give a good lift to the ball to fade the ball in the closer-curve direction.

Step 4:

Now hold your golf club keeping the clubface slightly open. The fade will highly depend on the opening of your clubface. So be very careful about it. Opening too much will divert the ball in another direction and not opening much will not allow you to hit a fade. That’s why be very careful about opening your clubface and open only in the proportion which you need for fading. By practicing for hitting a fade, you will know how much open your clubface need to be kept.

Step 5:

The final part is to swing. For swinging the club, follow the path of your feet. By doing this you will let the ball to have a perfect take off with a good spin. The ball will fly little left to at the initial state. Then the side spins will soon divert the ball and fly the ball to the target. That’s how to hit a fade with a strong grip! It may feel hard at first, but practice will surely increase your confidence and control on the hit.

How to Hit a Fade with A Driver

Hitting a fade with drivers can be a very useful shot. These are often done by the pro players and have good benefits. Divers have bigger shafts and you need a slightly different posture for hitting the perfect fade. You must keep your golf ball in front or close to your left foot alignment (Do vice versa if you are a left-handed player). It will prevent from hitting at a lower speed and slicing the ball much left. Then, hold the driver strongly and keep the clubface a little open. Now swing with a tight grip for a perfect shot!

How to Hit a Fade with Irons

Irons are a little shorter and then drivers and need a little stronger swing for a perfect fade shot. For hitting with the irons, you must follow the path of your feet. Stand a little bit left-turning of the ball or keeping left leg slightly behind.
For having a clear image of the path of your feet, you can practice by keeping a stick or scale in front of your feet and follow that straight line while swinging the iron. Also, don’t forget to open the clubface a little bit for a smooth and controlled spin of the ball.


There are many such situations where you might need to hit a fade instead of hitting in straight. Fading a ball is not equal to slicing the ball, it always sends the ball to the target area. Situations like a big object or tree between the ball and the target, windy weather, etc. can be easily controlled by hitting a fade.
However, fade-hitting mostly depends on your practice and focus. That’s why practice hitting fade often. If you are a newcomer, then learn it and if you are a professional golfer, then practice to keep your fade-hitting sharp and accurate.

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