How to Hit a Draw in Golf

How to Hit a Draw in Golf The Best Way

Draw shot is one of the prettiest shots in golf. It is an eye pleasuring hit. But many golfers may not able to hit a perfect draw based on his/her need. So, how to hit a perfect draw in golf? It is the optimum asking question for many beginner golfers. One of the main keys to hitting a draw is approaching the ball with the clubface from inside to out. That means you have to swing to the right if you are a righty and to the left if you are a lefty.

When you can not able to perform a draw shot, please do not blame your ability. It may happen due to some reasons. You may not have aware of how do you hit a draw in golf?  Your clubface maybe not in the correct to hit a draw, or maybe it is your swinging style that prevents performing a draw shot. Considering all the possible reasons, I decorate this article on how to hit a draw in golf. So, stay tuned! After finishing the article, you will well known about all the things to perform a draw shot properly.

What Is a Draw in Golf?

A draw (or hook) shot in golf is a curve shot that spin from right to left. But remember hook is not a perfect curve shot. Many freshers recognize the draw as a hook shot, that’s why I mentioned it in the bracket. The hook is the extreme version of the draw shot.

When most of the players are working on their trajectory shots to hit around a tree or a corner to avoid the obstacle with perfection, they are going to more careful to hit a draw shot precisely. 90% of amateur golfers play left to right shot or right to left shot without knowing what he/she has done! The technique I am going to discuss with you in this article applies to a right-hand golfer. For a left-handed golfer, the things are just reversed.

How to Hit a Draw Shot in Golf?

If you already know how to hit a fade in golf, then it is an easier task for you to follow the instruction of hitting the draw shot. Because all the things are almost the same but reverse. Okay, no worry. I am now going to discuss with you how to hit a draw in golf easily. Even if you are not well known about hitting a fade that makes no obstacle to follow the simplest steps.

  • At first, you have to hold your club accurately. You should grip your club as you like to but precisely.
  • Now place your ball between your feet as like you are going to hit the golf ball straight. Make the proper alignment with the target line. You know, the proper stance and posture are the main thing to perform a perfect swing for any kind of shot.
  • To hit a draw your stance should be closed. It means you should take a stance that allows approaching the ball closely (Clubface impact).
  • Now make an adjustment for a draw. Set up your clubface a small degree right to the target. This is going to be your new stance to play a draw. This is called “closing your clubface”.
  • As your clubface turned slightly right, so does your right foot also. That means adjusting your stance or both feet 1 or 2 inches right.  put your right foot back and the left foot forward. This is called “closing your stance” for a draw shot.
  • Check your body alignment based on your clubface. Because the close impact of the clubface matters here. This stance will help you to create the swing to perform a draw-spin.
  • Remember, the clubface is 80% responsible for the direction of the golf ball.
  • And you must swing along the line with your hips, shoulders, and feet. More specifically, swinging along the body plane when you hit the golf ball.
  • You should swing to the right of your target and your clubface should impact the ball with a small degree to the left of the swing path.
  • The longer clubs hit draw more rather than a straight shot. So it is good to go with long clubs when you hit a draw.
  • Before hitting a draw, visualize your draw shot and use the ball flight laws.
  • After fitting all the setup, when you hit the ball with this proper stance for a draw, the golf ball starts traveling slightly right, and the close-to-open clubface impact brings it left back executing a perfect fade.

How to Hit a Draw in Golf With Your Driver?

So many golfers like to hit a draw using their driver. Why? Because it has a long clubface and drivers are known for the high-speed clubhead. Also, the draw shot is preferable to hit from tee off.

  • The basic stance and setup are the same as I discussed above.
  • Align your body to the right and move your clubface utmost close position.
  • You can employ a strong grip here when you want to hit a draw with your driver. It allows you to curve the ball right to the left easier.
  • Aim your clubface directly to your target and make sure of a closed club position.
  • You may drop your right shoulders slightly if it makes you comfortable to draw a shot.
  • With the right backswing, you can easily hit a draw with your driver. So mind it before drawing a golf shot.
  • Many amateurs swing steeply when a pro swing shallow using a drive. So when using a driver try to apply a shallow swing. Who wants to lose their speed on the downswing!

You see, what I told you! It is almost the same as the other clubs for a draw. You have to swing particularly for the driver. I mean you should how to swing for a driver, then all will happen automatically.

Final Thoughts

Do you know what is the easiest tip for you? If you can align yourself properly to the right, you can hit a draw easily. It is not difficult to do. You know play table tennis and hit  different shots, you can also hit a draw that much easier. Just need to develop your golf skill. And you should set up the clubface properly and swing toward the target for hitting a perfect draw shot. At the end of my writing, I hope you will now know how to hit a draw in golf and what exactly it is. Playing a draw is not difficult, but it does take some time to practice to achieve the amount of draw you looking for.

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