How To Drive A Golf Cart

How To Drive A Golf Cart

No one can deny the importance of a golf cart on the golf course. These small transports are a great help in golfing. Golf carts made this popular game more effortless and accessible. These are a great help for the disabled and older peoples. They can freely move while golfing.

However, it would be a shame if you are a great golfer and don’t know how to drive a golf cart. It even can impact your reputation! So if you are a golfer, you should learn to drive it and follow the traffic rules. From this article, you will get to know the right-most way of driving a golf cart with the simplest descriptions.

Basic Features of a Golf Cart:

  • Wheel
  • Gas Pedal/Accelerate Pedal
  • Brake
  • Emergency Brake
  • On and Off switch
  • Might have a key
  • Reverse and Forward back

Before talking about how to drive a golf cart, it is obvious to know about how it works. How does an electric golf cart work? Or, how does a gas golf cart work?

Basics About Golf Carts

Before learning to drive a golf cart, you should have some knowledge about these vehicles. It will make it easier for you to understand the driving process.

Speaking of golf carts, there are a vast amount of variations you could find. These can be divide into two types according to their power sources, electrical and gas-powered. On the other hand, there are several types of golf carts according to their seat numbers. One, two, four, six even twelve seated golf carts are available in the market.

Some modern-type carts can be seen nowadays in the market. These are ore eco-friendly and come with modern features and AI technologies. However, the driving process of all golf carts is more or less the same.

How to Drive a Golf Cart Perfectly

Driving a golf cart is not a difficult job. Even a child can drive it with proper instruction! Moreover, if you drive a car or similar vehicles, then driving a golf cart will be a piece of cake for you!

  • Step 1

At the very first, sit properly on the seat of the cart and put on the seatbelts. Relax your mind, it is much important. Now put the key inside the keyhole and start the cart. The startup may not be louder like a car’s startup, but you will easily understand whether it’s started or not. For the electric golf carts, keep eye on the dashboard for knowing that.

  • Step 2

If everything goes well, you’re ready to run the cart. Put your both hands on the steering wheel and hold it with a good grip. Now press the tall(right pedal) pedal slowly. In the meantime, keep the other foot on the left pedal for sudden-brake situations.

  • Step 3

Keep all of your attention on driving and focus on the front. Though these vehicles don’t run much faster, you should always be conscious while driving. Now put some more pressure on the accelerator(tall pedal) to increase the speed.

  • Step 4

Use horns if anyone or anything suddenly appears in front of the cart. Steer your hands for turning it left or right.

  • Step 5

For stopping the cart, first, release your right leg from the accelerator and press the brake pedal from softer to harder. For parking, the cart, always stop in the recommended parking area.

  • Step 6

For driving backward, find the ‘reverse’ lever or switch on the cart and pull or press that. Now drive similarly as fontal driving. It may feel difficult at the first attempt, but you will get used to it soon.

Keep in Mind When you Drive

Follow Instructions

Follow the instruction of the golf course. In the golf course, there should be some golf cart driving signs and rules. These rules vary from course to course. These signs tell you what would be your top speed, can you drive through the fairway or not, is there any bad terrain ahead, where you can park the cart, and many more. Follow these instructions carefully while driving a golf cart on the golf course.

Don’t Drive Big Carts

If you are new and practicing cart driving, you should not touch six-seat or twelve-seat golf carts. These are much heavier and difficult to control. Even good drivers avoid driving them and professionals drive them most of the time. So, practice only on one-seat, two-seat, or four-seat golf carts.

Nighttime Driving

Driving a golf cart at night is a much tough job and not everyone can drive a night fluently. Before a night drive, make sure that your golf cart is equipped with good quality headlamps, brake lights, turn signals, reflective devices, or such safety elements. Otherwise, it is better to avoid nighttime driving on roads.

Tips For Golf Cart Drive

Use Horns

Don’t be confused about using horns. If you think it is necessary, then honk the horn as much you need. Remember, horns can prevent many accidents.

Slowdown for Turning

Slow your golf cart while there is a turning ahead. If you are driving on a road, then slow the cart, turn on the signal light and honk before you turn you can in another street.

Certain Rules

Golf cart driving rules vary from country to country and state to state. So it is always better to learn about the rules of your area before driving a golf cart. In a worldwide sense, there are no crucial rules for driving a cart on a golf course. The only rules that you should follow are the rules of that particular golf course authority. However, you can’t drive a golf cart if you are under fourteen.

On the roads, most of the states don’t require any driving license for driving golf carts. The top speed limit is 35 mph in most areas and the minimum speed limit is 25 mph on a big road. Road-driving also requires some safety features on your cart.


Driving a golf cart is very easy and simple to understand. If you have any experience with four-wheelers, then it will be easier for you to learn golf cart driving. The only thing you need is confidence.

Follow those mentioned steps to drive a golf cart. It will feel much more effortless to drive a golf cart. And lastly, keep practicing until you master the driving process.


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