How to Clean Golf Grips

How to Clean Golf Grips

Golf clubs are the most vital weapons in a golf game. These are the backbone of making a good position in any game of golf. That’s why taking good care of your golf club is really important.

Among all the regular treatment that you can give to your clubs, cleaning its grip is probably the most important one. When you do golf with a club, sweat, dust, and dirt get into the grips from the hand. That’s why the grip of your club gets dirty most often. But many of us don’t know how to clean golf grips properly. If you are eager to learn that, this article is just for you!

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It Is Necessary to Clean Club Grips

Certainly, cleaning is an obvious job if you want to continue or develop a good golf career. It is better to clean them after every long golf game. But if it is not possible, then you must make a cleaning schedule.

Club grips will get dirty after using them no matter what you do. Even you use golf gloves, there is always a possibility of sneaking sweat through the fabric to the club’s grip. That’s why as a sincere golfer, you must take proper care of every single golf club you use regularly by cleaning their grips.

How to Clean Golf Grips Some Easy Way

Cleaning golf grips are very easy, simple, and straightforward. You don’t need much time and lots of elements to clean them.

Necessary Equipment

These are some necessary things that you may need for the cleaning.

  • Bucket.
  • Dishwashing liquid or any other washing liquid.
  • Soft-bristled brush.
  • Soft & dry towel or microfiber cloth.

Golf Grips Cleaning Process

Regular or Light-Dirt Cleaning

This cleaning can usually be performed after every golf match. Regular based cleaning will give your grips a longer life. This cleaning process is pretty simple and time-saving.

  • Step 1

Take a soft towel or a microfiber cloth and soak it in light-warm water. Then wring that cloth to remove extra fluid.

  • Step 2

Now take your golf club and wrap the towel around the bottom of its grip. Hold the club tightly with one hand.

  • Step 3

Keep another hand on the towel and wrap the grip. Now slide the cloth up and down on the club’s grip to clean it. Do these until you have a much cleaner grip. You may need to soak and wring the cloth several times. While massaging the grip, rotate the club slowly. It will make sure that every part of the grip is cleaned.

  • Step 4

If you see extra water on the grip, you can either air-dry it or clean it with a dry cloth or towel. Natural drying may take a longer time. Go with the second method if you are in hurry. However, don’t rub the grip roughly since it could destroy the material of the grip.

Check Also: Know About How to Clean Golf Gloves

Much Dirtier Grip Cleaning

If you do not clean the grip much often, then the grip may carry much dirt that can’t be removed by a simple clean and need some extra effort. On the other hand, heavy cleaning once or twice a year could be a great treatment for your club’s grip.

  • Step 1

Take a bucket with light-warm water. Add some dish soap or other type of light washing liquid so it makes a mild cleaning mixture.

  • Step 2

Now take a towel or cloth and soak it in the mixture. Keep the cloth there for a few minutes. Wring the cloth hardly to remove extra water from it.

  • Step 3

Hold the club with one hand same as the previous process and rub the grip with the other hand. You may need to do this process for few times. Also, rotate the club slowly to make sure every part of the grip is cleaned perfectly.

  • Step 4

After a satisfying cleaning, put the club grip under a clean water stream or wash it in a bucket of pure water.

  • Step 5

Now clean the grip with a towel to remove the remaining water from the grip. You may need to air-dry it for several hours for making the grip completely dry.

Deep Cleaning

A deep cleaning may need to apply when your club is very dirty and the dirt does not tend to left the grip even after cleaning.

  • Step 1

At the very first, wipe the grip with a clean soft towel or microfiber cloth and clean the initial layer of dirt.

  • Step 2

Now take a medium-size bucket with a moderate level of water. Add dishwashing liquid or a similar cleaning agent to it. But this time add more amount of cleaning agents for making a strong cleaning mixture.

  • Step 3

Soak a clean cloth or towel in the mixture and let it in there for a few minutes. Then wring the cloth and get rid of the extra amount of liquid.

  • Step 4

Do the same as the previous processes, Hold the club with one hand and wipe the grip with another hand. Wrap the cloth around the grip and wipe from bottom to up. Rotate while cleaning to ensure the grip is cleaned properly.

  • Step 5

Take a brush and soak it in the soap mixture. Now evaluate every part of the grip carefully and look for any dirty area. Softly brush those area parts to remove those.

  • Step 6

Afterward, clean the grip with fresh water to remove all dirt and soapy water. Again check for any dirty parts.

  • Step 7

Take a dry towel or cloth piece and spread a little amount of cleaning alcohol on it. Rub the grip properly. Don’t be too harsh on the grip while wiping.

  • Step 8

Lastly, Wipe all extra liquid with a clean soft cloth and rest the club for some hours. Now you should have a club with a new-looking grip in front of you!


Though all these methods are applicable to leather, synthetic, and rubber grips, you have to be careful about using soap water on a leather grip.


The grip is the only contact point with your body and golf club. Sweat and dust will decrease grip capability and you will have less control over your hits. So it is quite important to clean the grip routinely.

It is also essential to clean club grips even if you don’t play often with them. Because if you don’t keep them clean, the grip can dry out and become brittle. So make sure you clean the club grip regularly.

Related Articles:

Supporting Video to Clean Golf Club Grip

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