How to Clean Your Golf Clubs

How To Clean Golf Clubs

As a conscious golfer, the foremost thing that you need to care about is your clubs. A professional golfer knows how much important these clubs are for golfing and takes proper care and clean those often. But that players are just a small portion of the golf world.

The rest don’t care much about their golf clubs. They just think wiping off the dust from the clubs is enough. But certainly, this is not the proper way of treating your clubs. You must know how to clean golf clubs properly and clean them regularly.
This article will show the proper way of cleaning your clubs and guide you.

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Why Cleaning Clubs Are Necessary

Nobody can deny that golf clubs are the most essential and important part of golf. The maximum part of good scoring depends on them. Professional golfers spend thousands of dollars on these clubs. That how important these are. Proper cleaning of your clubs will give you the feeling of holding a new club every time and give a longer service-life to your clubs.

Grips and the clubface of your club are being used most and they get dirty much often. And these two parts are the most important area to have a perfect shot. Believe it or not, using a dirty club will sure to affect your hits negatively. You will have less friction on your grip and mud can unbalance clubhead weight. That’s why it is essential to keep your club cleaned all the time.

Necessary Elements

  • Dish soap or similar component.
  • Soft-head small brush.
  • A plastic bristled brush.
  • A small or medium-size bucket.
  • Water(room temperature).
  • Cleaning towel.

How to Clean Golf Clubs Right Way

Many peoples think that cleaning clubs are tiresome job and they tend to avoid it whether it is not the case. Cleaning golf clubs are a pretty effortless job and by following these guidelines you will have super-clean clubs within a few minutes.

Simple Cleaning

Light or simple cleaning is a better option to apply every time after playing a game of golf. If you are a regular player, you should light-clean your clubs twice a week. On the other hand, do the cleaning after a week or two if you are a casual player.

Cleaning Clubface

  • Step 1

Pour 5-6 inches of the bucket with clean water and put 4-5 tablespoons of dish soap in it and mix that.

  • Step 2

Now take all your dirty clubs and put them in that mixture keeping the clubhead at the bottom. Rest the clubs there for a few minutes.

  • Step 3

After that, pull out clubs one by one and give some nice rubbing on the clubface with the plastic bristled brush. Give a few circular rubbing on the clubface. Many people like to clean the whole clubhead. You can do that at this stage. After rubbing a few times, you will see the soap becoming dirty. Then soak the clubhead in the mixture again and rub.

  • Step 4

After rubbing, clean the clubface with clean water and wipe it with a dry cleaning towel. Make sure you get rid of every drop of extra water to avoid rusting.

Cleaning The Grip

  • Step 1

Soak the club grip in the soap mixture.

  • Step 2

Hold the middle of the club with one hand. Now take the small soft-head brush and rub the grip gently. Rotate the club slowly with the holding hand to make sure any part is not skipped.

  • Step 3

Now soak the grip in clean water to remove all dirt. Wipe the grip with a cleaning cloth to remove all water. Be careful about cleaning a leather-made grip with soap water.

Deep Cleaning

Deep cleaning is required if you keep your clubs in a dusty place for quite a long time. One of the other reasons for deep cleaning is your heavy-playing habit.

 Cleaning Clubface

  • Step 1

Take a cleaning cloth or towel first and wipe all your club from top to bottom to remove the primary coat of dirt.

  • Step 2

Take a bucket and fill 5-6 inches of it with water. Add 5-6 spoons of the dishwasher in it and mix properly.

  • Step 3

Now take all your clubs and soak them in the soap water keeping the clubhead downward. Rest them in the bucket for 10-15 minutes.

  • Step 4

Take out clubs one by one and rub a few minutes with the plastic brush. Rub little harder this time.

  • Step 5

Soak it in the clean water and recheck if the cleaning reached your expectation level or not. If not, then put it back in the mixture again for a couple of minutes and rub again with the brush.

  • Step 6

If you think the clubhead is cleaned enough, then give a final cleaning with clean water and wipe the clubhead nicely with a cleaning towel.

Cleaning The Grip

  • Step 1

After giving a primary wipe with the towel, soak the grip in the soap water for a couple of minutes. However, if the grip is made of natural leather, don’t soak it for more than one or two minutes.

  • Step 2

Rub the grip with a small soft-head brush and slowly rotate while rubbing. Wash it with clean water. Check whether there is any dirt left or not. If left, soak the brush in the soap water and rub that particular area of the grip.

  • Step 3

After removing all dirt, wash the grip with clean water and wipe nicely to remove every drop of water.

Cleaning The Shaft

Cleaning the shaft isn’t important like clubhead or grip since this part gets dirty slowly. Wiping nicely with a clean cloth will most often give you a pleasant result. But if it really gets dirty, then apply the same method of cleaning as the clubhead.

Final Verdict

Cleaning is a good habit. Especially when your performance and score depends on it. Whether you are a regular player or and casual player, you should make habit of cleaning your golf stuff routinely. Mostly your golf clubs.

But cleaning your clubs in the wrong way can easily damage your expensive or favorite clubs. That’s why you must clean them in the right method to safely achieving their newer form.

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