How to Choose the Right Golf Ball

How to Choose the Right Golf Ball

Golf ball is a game of perfection. Every inch matters here. Golf equipment plays a vital role to play the best. A golf ball is as important as your golf club. Choosing the right ball can make your play significantly changed. But we often stuck on how to choose the right golf ball. Because there are plenty of different types of golf balls and manufacturing companies out there.

There are different kinds of golf balls with color variations are available in the market. The manufacturing companies made them maintaining the rules of golf or, according to USGA instructions. Choosing the right ball affects every golf shot. Here, I talked about some basic golf balls kind to clear your thought. Let’s start.


What Golf Ball Should You Use?

The first time, when I starting my golf club lessons I thought 80 mph is a good speed for a beginner. But I have failed to achieve that speed too! Then one of my well-wishers said what golf ball should I use? And, how to choose the right golf ball that fits my swing and clubs.

Choose by Your Quality

The players in golf are not the same, right. Any player hit over 100 miles per hour and someone still struggling with 80 miles! Why that? Well, there are many reasons behind it and the golf ball is one of them. First, find out your golf score. That means, what kind of handicap you are. That will definitely help you to select your right golf ball. Low handicap players are good to fit with any type of ball. But you need to think before picking a golf ball if you are a mid or high handicap player.

High handicap players should go for a 2-pieces golf ball. A Two-pieces golf ball offers additional speed with less spin. This is a high choice for a novice and the seniors for additional speed. 3-pieces or multilayered golf ball is chosen by the low handicap players and professionals. This type of golf ball offers good speed with spin. The backspin allows the ball in the air for a long time.

If you want to play crazy golf or, with your family, then you may go for the one-piece golf ball.

Compression rate of Golf Balls

The compression rate of a golf ball defines how much the golf ball should feel. Is it feel hard or soft? Is it high flight accuracy or not? A low compression ball allows feeling soft. And, a high compression ball that feels hard allows for a long, straighter shot. If you are worried about slice or hook, you should choose low compression golf ball.

The high handicap, mid handicap, Lady golfer, and freshers should look for the compression rate of a golf ball. Pro golfers or low handicap players do not much have to be worried about here. The compression rating between 80 and 90 is a suitable choice for every type of golfer.

Spin a Lot or Less

A low spinning ball means a small degree of sidespin. The players who are struggling with a slice should choose this ball. Lack of spin doesn’t allow the ball to go a far distance. But helps to go straight.

The high spinning ball comes with a certain degree of sidespin that allows the golf ball to stay in the air. And, ensure the shot to cover a high distance. It has a high flight time. This type of ball can solve your ‘hook’ problem.

The mid spinning ball is a balance between high and low spinning ball. It incorporates long distance with a small degree of sidespin.

Feel Your Preference

Make sure how you want to feel your golf ball? I mean, choose the compression level and spinning you prefer, and your pocket.  It must be chosen according to your swing speed, playing standard, and demand. A premium ball used to offer everything a golfer needs whether he/she is a pro or an average or a fresher.

Friendly with Your Clubs

Different kinds of clubs have used in golf play. The clubs may be iron, a woods, a driver, a wedge. Make sure your golf ball will compatible with the clubs you are using.

Making Decision

Aware of your weakness and preferences? Sure of what golf ball should I use? Understanding your skills and need, make a decision to purchase a golf ball. The more you know about what you need, the lesser you spend. You have a piece of knowledge now on how to choose the right ball for you.

Select The Best

Go to a nearby store or online market where or who sells golf accessories. Choose the right brand that matches all your needs. Check your pocket and buy it. You may go with a local golf guide who helps to choose the best ball for you. But select the best at a reasonable price.

What Golf Ball Should I Use for My Swing Speed?

The swing speed measures your professionality. The high swing sends your shot long. And, a sound swing makes every shot to the hole. If you know your average swing speed then it is less worry about how to choose the right golf ball. Every player has their individual swing. So, choosing the right ball depends on your individual swing speed. You have to choose a golf ball compression rating according to your swing speed.


●    Slow Swing Speed: It means the swing speed below 90 mph indicates slow swing speed. Usually, beginners are having this kind of swing speed. In this case, you should go for a high compress ball. You should choose a ball with a rating between 70 to 80. It allows you to achieve further distance with your low swing speed. You may choose the ball with ratting 90 to 100. This ball allows you to cover more distance with a lack of spin.

●    Medium Swing Speed: The swing speed between 90 mph to 95 mph on average indicates mid swing speed. A fancy player, average players, or, Lady golfers typically having medium swing speed with their golf clubs. If you are fit on it, then you should go with a golf ball compression rating of 80 to 90. Actually, this is the standard ratting ball. It gives you go distances with less sidespin.

●    High Swing Speed: This is the pro-level swing speed we are talked about. The swing speed above 100mph mentioned as high swing speed. You may go with a golf ball rating of 90 to 100. Typically compression is not a matter of concern here. Because this level of player knows how to use the backspin/sidespin over the ball to achieve a perfect hit/goal.

For any range of swing speed,  you should choose 2-pieces or multilayered ball with dimples. Cause, dimples allow the ball to stay longer in the air with a moderate spin. And, cover a long distance from fairway to green.

Final Words…

Technology changes many golf equipment to make hassle-free play. Today, different kinds and advanced golf clubs are easy to get. You may have expensive golf clubs, but not a proper quality ball that suits you. Then this simple mistake ruins your hit definitely. You might feel a lack of self-confidence in yourself as I felt. But the good news about the ball is there is plenty much option to choose from.

But finding the right golf ball to your preference must need some experiment. Be assured about your preferences, club speed, swing speed first. This discussion with you should make it simple to choose the right golf ball. The proper golf ball saves your strokes and helps you to achieve a high score. Do not forget to change your golf ball if it’s too old and, dimples are ruined. The damaged ball hampered your every shot whether it is a putt, drive, or anything. Stay safe. Happy Golfing!

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