How to Become a Golf Caddy

How to Become a Professional Pro Golf Caddy

There are thousands of golf lovers who dream of becoming a golf caddy. This job is really amusing and many ex-golfers choose this as their profession. They get both respect and happiness from it.

But the problem is, you can’t just think of becoming a successful golf caddy and you will become one. For it, you have to follow some process and maintain some rules and show your eagerness. But what are those processes? Well, this article will answer all your questions on how to become a golf caddy.

How to Become A Professional Golf Caddy

Becoming a professional golf caddy will not going to be a simple process. It will be much complex. Moreover, the competition for the position of a golf caddy is getting larger day by day. But if you are determined to become a golf caddy and ready for some hard work, then these simple steps will surely help you to get your dream job!

Step 1: Fix Your Caddy-Type


There is little job-difference between the types of caddy and the primary job to assist the player by giving him advice and suggestions and handover necessary clubs etc. You can do some research of your own and learn about the job descriptions of each caddy-type and chose one.

Step 2: Give Offer to Local Players


For beginning your golf caddy career, offering a local golfer to work as his caddy is a good start. It will give you field training for becoming a perfect caddy. You will easily understand your faults and can improve or fix them at the very first stage.

Moreover, it increases your experience level as a golf caddy and you may able to make a good image among local golfers. It will simply give you good publicity and if you can perform well as a caddy, pro golfers may hire you!

Step 3: Do Volunteering for Various Golf Events


Many golf events and tournament authorities look for volunteers to help them. Sometimes the organizers also search for volunteer caddys by organizing many events. It is such a great opportunity to learn new things and introduce yourself as a perfect caddy to the audience.

Step 4: Get Some Book-Knowledge

For becoming an expert golf caddy you must have proper knowledge about every major or minor aspect of golfing. By reading golf and caddy related books, you will be able to learn much more about golf and apply them while caddying for a golfer. Remember, the more knowledge you gather, the more accurately you can calculate the game-condition.

Step 5: Keep Good Contact with Golf Tour Authorities


Keep good contact with tour authorities (nationwide tours, PGA or LPGA tours, etc.). By keeping good contacts and following them on social media you will get their updated information. It will keep you ahead of other competitors to get a chance for working for a pro golfer. Besides, if you succeed to show your caddy-talents to the golf-tour authorities and made them satisfied, you probably get a call from them for tour sessions!

Step 6: Do Some Publicity

If you are able to get some reputation as a golf caddy or able to work for a pro golfer, then you are ready for the next step which is publicity. You will never get big successes as a golf caddy if you fail to lift your existence publically. That’s why publicity is much important. In this era of modern technology, publicity is much effortless and cost-efficient. The least publicity you can do is print some business card and handover to everyone you meet.

Step 7: Stay Motivated

As going through these processes you will face many difficulties and also have some unsuccessful attempts. But nobody can reach his goal until he works hard and soul for that. So, always think positive and keep a good smile on your face and try continuously. Also, try to improve yourself as a golf caddy.

This is how to become a caddy at a country club or nationwide or PGA tours. Becoming a golf caddy is not super-easy and you have to give enough effort for that. Never lose hope while going through those phases or steps.

How Much a Golf Caddy Earn

Earning as a golf caddy depends on your skills, in which you are caddying and for which player you are caddying. On the other hand, if you are at the very beginning line of caddy, you may earn nothing or find yourself volunteering for a local course. An average level golf caddy can earn $30 to $40 per hour minimum. But it can increase a lot if you work for a wealthy and kind player.

On the other hand, an expert player in a PGA or national tournament really can earn a lot. In this position, caddies often take a percentage of the winnings of the player as their salary and the amount could start from $25,000 and reach more than a million for a single tour.

Is It Good to Be a Golf Caddy?

If you are still confused and asking yourself is it a good decision to be a golf caddy or not. The answer really depends on you and your condition. Being a golf caddy is a fun job and you can learn a lot from this. It makes a reputation of you among your neighbors and friends. You can also earn a lot by caddying if you are lucky.

On the other side, if you are looking for earning some money and support your family, then caddying could be a bad choice since you may not earn that much at the primary stages of the journey. On top of that, it sometimes can involve some money investing too.

The Key Tips For Pro Golf Caddy

  • Know the golf course and its rules.
  • Show up before your player comes in the course.
  • Arrange the golf bag, clubs, golf accessories properly.
  • Know the surroundings.
  • Give the player accurate distance of the next shot.
  • Know when to stand on the tee.
  • Know when standing steel
  • Be supportive of your player.
  • Be a team with your player.

Final Verdict

Being a golf caddy is a great job and it really gives an amazing feeling. In fact, it is the second most-favorite choice among golf-lovers. By becoming a golf caddy, you can earn good respect and have good earnings. Just follow those mention steps and you will learn how to become a PGA tour caddy or other national or international tournaments. This is the most straightforward and easy way you can find it! Remember, you never can achieve your dream if you don’t try and hard-work for it.

Need More Info About Becoming a Professional Pro Caddie:
Caddie Connection, Inc.

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