How Much Does a Golf Cart Weigh

How Much Does a Golf Cart Weigh

It would be not wrong to say that golf carts are very useful and handy assistant in a golf course. If you are looking forward to purchasing a golf cart, then you should consider some things about a golf cart. The weight is one of the important ones. It is the thing that will show you which golf cart is the most suitable for you. If you really want to know how much does a golf cart weighs, then keep reading this article. This should be helpful to you.

Why You Have to Consider Golf Cart Weigh

Not only for golf carts but also for all vehicles weight plays a vital role in its performance. For golf carts, it is much important since it had to handle hilly and sloppy surfaces. Power output also depends on its weight. Weight consideration can also vary according to the type of cart you choose. Besides a golf cart’s ability also depends on the passenger weight, power, number of seats, etc.

How Much Does a Golf Cart Weigh

Though there is variation in the weight of different types of golf carts. But normally a golf cart will weigh between 500-1100 pounds (225-500 kilograms). These variations really depend on the cart’s model, manufacturer company, and other attachable accessories.

Moreover, the power source also makes a big difference in a cart’s total weight. A battery-powered golf cart usually weighs a little lesser than a gas-powered engine golf cart. Sometimes powerful motors, battery, or engine also makes the cart little heavier. For example, a 2-seat 48-volt electric golf cart from E-Z-GO weighs 924 lbs. (420 kg) on average where a 2-seat gas golf cart from the same manufacturer weighs around is 740 lbs. (356 kg).

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What Is Dry Weight Versus and Curb Weight

If you already looking for a golf cart, you probably heard or read about the term “Dry Weight” and “Curb Weight” already. These terms mean simple things.

Dry Weight

Dry Weight means the net weight of the golf cart without any additional attachments. The weight even excludes the weight of tires, fuels, and batteries. In simple words, this is the weight when the cart just came out of the manufacturer-factory section.

Curb Weight

You probably already guessed it. Curb Weight simply refers to the total weight of a cart with all additional accessories, tires, batteries, etc. In other words, it is the weight of a golf cart that is standing in a cart showroom.

How Much Weight Can a Golf Cart Carry?

It is a common question that comes into almost everyone’s mind. Well, this answer also varies from cart to cart and manufacturer to manufacturer.

Normally a 2-seat golf cart can carry up to 600-800 pounds or 270–365 kg of weight. That means two overweight people can easily cruise around on a 2-seat golf cart. As for a 4-seat or 6-seat golf cart, the carrying capacity should go up to 1000-1100 pounds or 450–500 kg. The weight capacity increases with the seat numbers. For a 12-seat golf cart, the weight-capacity increases to around 1800 pounds or 800 kilograms. However, large-capacity golf carts are not similar to a standard cart and they have much lower torque for safety purposes. Moreover, it is always recommended to learn about the capacity of your chosen golf cart from that cart’s specification manual.

Towing Capability

Knowing whether your vehicle is capable of towing your golf cart on not is quite necessary. Thus you can easily understand the is it safe to tow the golf cart or not. The simplest way to know that is to add at least 1000 pounds with the curd weight of the golf cart and compare the total result with the maximum towing capacity of your vehicle. It is always safe to add some extra pounds with the curb weight and compare. So your vehicle will not be fully loaded and doesn’t put extra strain on your vehicle’s transmission. Besides, your vehicle will not face difficulty on rough terrains.

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Why You Should Not Overweight Your Golf Cart

Though it is quite tough to cross the weight capacity of a golf cart in a normal situation somehow if you overweight the capacity of a golf cart, it will simply damage pretty much everything of your golf cart.

If you overweight the cart, at first it with damage the motor(electric cart) or the engine(gas cart) and reduce the performance. By continuously overweighting, you may permanently damage the power source. An electric golf cart has a bigger probability of getting damaged by overweight.

The second thing that will damage by overweight is the braking mechanism of the golf cart, bigger weight needs much force to stop it, so simply the braking mechanism will get damaged due to overweight. Besides, golf carts are not designed to handle tough situations as a street vehicle.

Lastly, it will become much unstable and will have much difficulty driving it. Moreover, the cart will have a higher risk of fell on the side while diving on an unstable surface.

Final Verdict

Golf carts are much helpful and asset greatly on the golf course. As a golfer, you must know the capabilities of a golf cart, especially how much does a golf cart weighs and its performance. For purchasing, be sure of your necessities from a golf cart and how do you want to see it. Read the cart’s specification to learn in detail about that particular golf cart. Proper use and maintenance should give a longer life to your golf car.

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